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Nang Fah LB Club & Resort Jomtien

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  • The Blue bathroom
    Attached Files
    Lost in Space!


    • Timefor some ladies again -this time in the Orange room
      Attached Files
      Lost in Space!


      • Orange Junior suite.
        Attached Files
        Lost in Space!


        • Due to the lcation near the bar and the lounge the Red Room will mostly be used for relax session.
          The word short time is not in our vocabulary...
          Attached Files
          Lost in Space!


          • Isn't that hostess Nen in the Red room?

            Pics courtesy of Travis Bickle
            Attached Files
            Lost in Space!


            • More of Nen...

              And even more in the VIP section of

              How do you become VIP? By staying at Nang Fah -like a.o Travis Bickle already did!
              Attached Files
              Lost in Space!


              • Although Thip is a regular of Travis ( she is extremely caring), Travis turned out to be too much for her during his last night in Pattaya and Nen  had to take over for a while.
                After a little break Thip made a cum back
                Attached Files
                Lost in Space!


                • Cool down in the pool....

                  Travis, hostess Pai, staff manager Thip and hostess Nen.
                  Attached Files
                  Lost in Space!


                  • Hello members of

                    My name is Peter Dee and I have been working freelance at Nang Fah retreat with Master Bator €“mostly helping out with technical issues such as internet, cable and satellite tv and various upgrade and repair jobs.

                    I have been living and working in Thailand for 5 years now and I am originally from Germany. I decided to make Thailand my new home, I speak Thai, I love Thai food and I love Thai ladies. At current I have a girlfriend in Bangkok but I like the company of ladyboys, although I wouldn't say that I am a ladyboylover in the true sense that you guys are.

                    But they are fun to be around with. At the retreat I had some good laughs with the staff Thip, Pai and Nen. MB introduced me to Karl and Lita at the EZY bar and I had a good time listening to Karl's and Mb's choice of music and the ladies.

                    I know MB from his work at Rotary €“he is an extremely creative guy and very driven when he wants to achieve the goals he sets. During his working career he has done nothing but create something out of nothing and once achieved -instead of basking in glory €“would go on with the next project.

                    And as he is now working already on his next project €“which is creating a series of niche market guesthouses he simply does not have the time to work 24/7 like he has been doing this last month.

                    I have agreed to be his operations manager, which will give him more time to work on the investment side of things and move on with the next projects.

                    We have created two shifts and MB will do the morning shift from 8.00 to 14.00.
                    I take over from 14.00 onwards. And of course if good customers are staying at Nang Fah retreat and if they enjoy his company he will go out with them in the evening.

                    I look forward to working with you guys and meet many of you.

                    I am not a clone of the Master Bator. You may verify with Karl at EZY that I am for real!

                    With kind regards,

                    Peter Dee
                    Attached Files


                    • Welcome to the forum Pete...      

                      and how re-assuring that you declare yourself to be real...      

                      Sounds like a good life you have, living in LOS & working at the Retreat...      

                      You are going to meet a lot of BMs (board members) soon enough so prepare yourself. You will find them good guys except for the fact they have crossed over to the dark side, sexually speaking.

                      But they are as real as you are & you might learn a little from them. Real is good, unreal is better...    
                      Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                      • If I can go from a newbie to a VIP in just over a year I think Peter can as well...
                        I'll make him read my TR -see if he understands that geeky SF stuff

                        As for our staff, we have decided to add Charnee cashier Kaew to our staff instead of the GF of an overprotective LBP bm....

                        Kaew did a great job at our soft opening night.
                        Attached Files
                        Lost in Space!


                        • Just one question for you MB, is it possible to "kidnap" Pai for a Night   or is she solely "Staff" now
                          Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                          Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                          • Good luck with this ambitious venture...

                            Your post is pinned to the top on my website.

                            If you need any other help let me know.

                            (Also - if you have a 468 X 60 banner please email it to me at [email protected] and I'll put it on the list of front page banners for a few months for free.)

                            I have joined your forum but it's too difficult for an idiot like me. I can't work out how to answer a post or even start a thread!  

                            By the way - love the cuddly sex pot, Nen!  
                            Attached Files
                            World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


                            • (Bumpa STIKKA @ Nov. 29 2009,18:49) Good luck with this ambitious venture...

                              Your post is pinned to the top on my website.

                              If you need any other help let me know.

                              (Also - if you have a 468 X 60 banner please email it to me at [email protected] and I'll put it on the list of front page banners for a few months for free.)

                              I have joined your forum but it's too difficult for an idiot like me. I can't work out how to answer a post or even start a thread!  

                              By the way - love the cuddly sex pot, Nen!  
                              Thanks Mr. Stikka

                              I'm eve nmore of an idiot with computers than you are so I'll ask Peter to arrange for the banner.
                              Thanks for the offer and I hope to be able to pay for advertising once I have recouped some of the money I have poured in....

                              Hopefully that was just a little sprat I had to throw to catch the fat mackrels!
                              Lost in Space!


                              • Your spelling could do with some improvement too MB , so is Pai available ?
                                Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                                Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl

