just for info only.....not complaining. I stopped by famous bar this afternoon around 2:15, inquired about the 699 special and was told that it is still on, that was 699 baht well spent, I did purchase 2 lady drinks for 2 different people and was told they were 150 each, when I mentioned the 69 baht, she dropped it to 100 each, seems the 69 baht is not in effect any longer.
No announcement yet.
Famous Bar
... I miss Karl's photo updates, now we, the BMs, have no idea who is working there & what they look like, at least not the ones who haven't visited Famous yet, & not even any pics from the last party, what's up with that? I guess we'll have to wait until DK or SlimJim pay their respects before we'll see any updates from that bar..
.. I'm not young enough to know everything, and not old enough to have done everything..
I have been planning on going to Famous for a long time! 699baht happy hour is just to good to be true! I figured including 100baht minibus trip to Patts, I can get 2 ladies for 2 baht less than the average LB in BKK bar NOT including barfine. The only problem has been getting up early enough.
So I finally made it out of bed by noon on Sunday and was in Famous before 4pm I think. Overnight bag in hand. Hell bent on getting 2 LBs happy hour style.
After some of the usual groping and a few drinks I took Cheri and O upstairs for an amazing time.Then came back down to the bar.
Let me tell you guys, the girls at Famous are nice and friendly and not too pushy, made me feel at home so much, I never actually left. Stayed til closing time. Barfined 2 more hottiesat some point during the night before I got too drunk. May and a new girl. I think she's new cause she spoke zero English and was reading a English-Thai learning book. But she was the sexiest girl there. I couldn't stop looking at her.
Lita is wonderful! She actually gave me a ride on her motorbike to the minivan back to BKK!!
Let me note, IDK if someone else mentioned this, but I was walking around 2nd street looking for Soi VC, from the map somewhere on this thread well it's not there. The street sign reads Soi 17.
This happened to me last time I was looking for Soi Diana going to 3som bar and guesthouse. The street sign says Soi 13. This is all really very annoying,but I digress...
Anyway, I can't wait to go back there! The new favorite place fo shizzle!
(Rukki @ Aug. 30 2011,03:47) I, but I was walking around 2nd street looking for Soi VC, from the map somewhere on this thread well it's not there.
all the new and currant line up..something i tossed together."No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
General George Patton Jr
.€¢*¨*€¢.€¢*¨*€¢."2nd Anniversary Party".€¢*¨*€¢.€¢*¨*€¢.
A little something for the lads at LBQ
... "2nd Year Anniversary Video" ...
*** Famous *** Are You Ready *** 2nd Year Anniversary Party *** Are You Ready *** Famous ***
... "Famous Open from 3pm (15:00) Until Late Daily" ...
"Cock n' Roll ®"
Karl“Cock n’ Roll” ®
.€¢*¨*€¢.€¢*¨*€¢."2nd Anniversary Party".€¢*¨*€¢.€¢*¨*€¢.
Hi farangbah,
Just a few pic's for now
... "The Famous Girlz" ...
*** Famous *** Are You Ready *** 2nd Year Anniversary Party *** Are You Ready *** Famous ***
... "Famous Open from 3pm (15:00) Until Late Daily" ...
"Cock n' Roll ®"
KarlAttached Files“Cock n’ Roll” ®
.€¢*¨*€¢.€¢*¨*€¢."2nd Anniversary Party".€¢*¨*€¢.€¢*¨*€¢.
... "May" ...
... "Keta Guitar Gitar" ...
... "Cherry" ...
*** Famous *** Are You Ready *** 2nd Year Anniversary Party *** Are You Ready *** Famous ***
... "Famous Open from 3pm (15:00) Until Late Daily" ...
"Cock n' Roll ®"
KarlAttached Files“Cock n’ Roll” ®
.€¢*¨*€¢.€¢*¨*€¢."2nd Anniversary Party".€¢*¨*€¢.€¢*¨*€¢.
... "Famous" ...
... "Guess Cherry May" ...
... "Nut Guess & Soda" ...
*** Famous *** Are You Ready *** 2nd Year Anniversary Party *** Are You Ready *** Famous ***
... "Famous Open from 3pm (15:00) Until Late Daily" ...
"Cock n' Roll ®"
KarlAttached Files“Cock n’ Roll” ®
Karl, thanks very much for the updates! Excellent to see you back at work, and I wish success in the future for both Famous Bar and whatever new venture(s) you will be undertaking!
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.€¢*¨*€¢.€¢*¨*€¢."Cherry's Birthday".€¢*¨*€¢.€¢*¨*€¢.
Many thanks for all the responses guys
It's Cherry's Birthday Party Friday 10th August ...
Open invitation: Party starts from 8pm (20:00)
... "Cherry" ...
*** Famous *** Famous Bar *** Cherry's Birthday Party *** Famous Bar *** Famous ***
... "Famous Open from 3pm (15:00) Until Late Daily" ...
"Cock n' Roll ®"
KarlAttached Files“Cock n’ Roll” ®