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Razor and Phrase Book

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  • Razor and Phrase Book

    So it came to pass that I found myself on one of the famous Ezy road trips. This particular one was to Sida Resort, Nakhon Nayok. I left in the company of my brother, Donnykey, Ninewives and 3 minivans full of ladyboys, oh plus Karl and Lita oops….and not forgetting Pudding the dog. Because of a delay we left at staggered times and managed to finally all meet up at some petrol station near our destination. I had meant to go on one a few times, but coming near the end of this stay in Los I decided it’s now or never, who knows when the opportunity will arise again.

    Our minivan, the first to leave departed at about 4.20 outside the VC Hotel, followed by the other 2 over a space of an hour. Many texts and calls were made till we all rendezvoused at the above mentioned petrol station.
    Attached Files
    I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...

  • #2
    Wash and nibble time.
    Attached Files
    I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


    • #3
      Jesus, these trips always look great. I don't think I'd be able to keep my hands (or my cock) to myself in the minivan though. These girls are so hot, how else is one expected to pass the time?

      Lets hope there's heaps more pics coming. Cheers Bumblebee
      dreaming about LOS again


      • #4
        (tomscam @ Mar. 08 2010,17:19) Jesus, these trips always look great. I don't think I'd be able to keep my hands (or my cock) to myself in the minivan though. These girls are so hot, how else is one expected to pass the time?

        Lets hope there's heaps more pics coming. Cheers Bumblebee
        Plenty more to come my good man, it was a great photo opportunity.
        I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


        • #5
          After we all met up it was off to do some water sports, steady on some of you, name of the place escapes me. Great fun for sure, and it was only 9.30 am.
          Attached Files
          I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


          • #6
            Trying to co-ordinate 3 minibuses full of LBs must have taken the patience of Jobe, especially at 4:30 am
            I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here


            • #7
              (Ivor Biggun @ Mar. 08 2010,18:28) Trying to co-ordinate 3 minibuses full of LBs must have taken the patience of Jobe, especially at 4:30 am  
              It was all hands on dick for sure.
              I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


              • #8
                Oops, sorry I posted this random ass shot by mistake, that is much further on in this report, hope you guys can wait.
                Attached Files
                I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


                • #9
                  BB, good job on the post so far, but could you toss in a couple more random ass shots? Look forward to reading more.

                  Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


                  • #10
                    Did somebody order some random ass shots?      
                    Attached Files
                    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                    • #11
                      Ok guys, time for the first clips from the road trip, and to my recollection and I am open to correction here, the first moving action from any Ezy road trip. Enjoy. Plenty more to come, mostly boring pool side clips.

                      I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


                      • #12
                        Classic ass, Pacman!

                        We want  this and that, we demand a share in that and most of that, some of this and phuckin' all of that...less of that and more of this and phuckin' plenty of this and we want it now....and the demands will all be changed so phuking stay awake!

                        Eats Roots and Leaves[I]


                        • #13
                          So we all piled into 3 inflatable dingys. Luckily there was a Thai guy on each one to ensure we did not get into any sticky situations. At most the water only came to above waist height, so if we did fall out there was not much to worry about, besides my beloved camera getting an unexpected baptism and being effectively f&#ked. After about 20 minutes we stopped for a break and an opportunity to take some shots. The water was for the most part calm, with the exception of some rapids, which at this time of year are not too treacherous.
                          Attached Files
                          I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


                          • #14
                            After our short break it was back in the boats for the remaining 20 minutes to our pick up point. I always smile when I see so many Thais packed onto the back of a truck and now I was doing the same. So it was us sardines were ferried back to the starting point and our awaiting mini vans.
                            Attached Files
                            I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


                            • #15
                              Attached Files
                              I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...

