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Ugly Competition

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  • Ugly Competition

    First up must apologize to the mods if this is in the wrong section.

    I have to ask this , because it has been on My mind for months now.

    Billy 69 fucked some very ugly LB's in his time on the forum (& Bill, Not digging you out mate )
    But is there some sort of competition between two very well respected BM's to see who can post pictures of the ugliest LB's around.
    I will mention no names, as not to offend any one, but FFS, some of the pics being posted. Some are just men in dresses, some I would want paying for sex. I have been to both LOS & Indonesia & go to way out every now & then , so I know how LB's can look.

    So any suggestions fellow BM's, on why these guys not only keep posting pictures of these ugly fuckers, but why they BF them in the first place

    Come on guys help Me understand this


    PS & I know the "to each his own " & all that bollox, but uglys ugly !
    Be lucky,have fun & stay young !

  • #2
    I know what you mean Was thinking the same thing recently...

    But I think it does sometimes come down to taste...maybe they see something we don't (want to see)..
    Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


    • #3
      This old Chestnut. its all subjective IMO and probably not a good idea
      expect the flame throwers to come out of retirement ..

      good luck with this one


      • #4
        Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

        I see many girl's picture posted who aren't my style but it is none of my business who someone wants to "date".

        And Juri is the first to admit that some of his girls are no oil paintings.

        He explains his choices very well but I will leave it to him to tell his story.

        I admire him for appreciating more than just the physical. He's a good man that Juri...    
        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


        • #5
          That's an assumption there to whom seamus was referring to...

          I like Mr juri's style anyway
          Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


          • #6
            its a mindset for some of us to lay the best looking(to us) girl we can,because of the limited occasion we have in los.gronks we can get anytime.but,perhaps the "offenders" have found that the plainer of the species try harder to please


            • #7
              (pacman @ Feb. 01 2010,20:51) I admire him for appreciating more than just the physical. He's a good man that Juri...    
              Do you know what. He is just that... a fine fellow.

              He nails on camera and in the bedroom one of the nicest looking LBs ive seen online and been after in a long time.. she turned up at Carnival bar the day after i left BKK and he walks in the Bar and voila.. there she is, the pic is in the BKK Bar Forum. What a Beauty!. I think her name is May


              • #8
                I thought Seamus had gone straight...
                World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


                • #9
                  Yes I have gone straight I did not mention anybody's name & will not.

                  I am not questioning whether anyone is a fine fella or not, that's not the point in question. You could have the best looking LB's in the world & be a complete cont ! It's about how fecking ugly some of these girls are. I look at the C&D thread & Eazy Bar thread every few days & Beauty's, We all know their out there, ain't hard to find.

                  Don't turn this into wot it is not !
                  Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                  • #10
                    (seamus @ Feb. 01 2010,19:04) ...fucked some very ugly LB's in his time on the forum but is there some sort of competition between two very well respected BM's to see who can post pictures of the ugliest LB's around... why these guys not only keep posting pictures of these ugly fuckers, but why they BF them in the first place  
                    I'd venture a guess that alcohol is perhaps involved, but then I remembered that the members of our board take a strict vow of sobriety if they plan to be posting pictures. I think it's the "PWI" (Posting While Intoxicated) clause in the contracts we have to sign before we're assigned posting privileges.

                    I hope I'm not one of the "conts" that's to blame....  althought it would be sort of fun to think that someone could confuse me with a "respected board member"!

                    Either way, perhaps you could include links to your pictures posts Seamus so we all have a clearer idea of what the standards are that we're expected to live up to. I'm certain no one here would want to offend anyone!

                    Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


                    • #11
                      I'd say its much more to do with how people interact - I go into a bar and often think some of the least 'stunning' are actually the most fun people and some of the most stunning are loaded with attitude. I have had some girls in my time who would not win a beauty contest but in terms of personality and how you 'click' they are top drawer. At the end of the day, getting your end away is getting your end away - so long as paper bags are not required on the head - just go with your intuition would be my view.



                      • #12
                        Your alot of fun so there might be some truth in that
                        I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                        I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                        • #13
                          While I wouldnt critisize another mans choice I have on occasion had a 'raised eyebrow' over the pictures that have been shown... but then I like to see all the options out there and here about what other BM's are up to....


                          • #14
                            (Foggy @ Feb. 01 2010,10:44) I like to see all the options out there and here about what other BM's are up to....


                            • #15
                              I'd also second Mardhi's comments that sometimes, pictorial or camera beauty is not the issue, it's other intangibles.

                              "She's got a super long wide tongue and can touch her chin with the damn thing" (actually said by me recently)

                              "She's got spindly little legs just like that girl I had a crush on in the 9th grade" (not said by me anytime recently. I don't actually remember the 9th grade although I'm certain I was there).

                              "She reminds me of Sandra Bernhard" (or Aunt Daisy, or Uncle Fred, or whomever it is that somehow reaches something in your core that makes you go "NUNGGGGG!")

                              "She's got a knife to my inner thigh and says she'll stick me if I don't post her pictures on the Ladyboy Forum!" (only applies if you post from the short-time rooms in Nana Plaza)

                              I think you catch my drift.
                              Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to

