Ming fee = 1500 Thb for ST and it was good!!!
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My last 36H in BKK
Keep up the good work enjoying the read, I need some tips.
Ming the MercilessFame has yet to corrupt her but give it time.
You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.
..well u made the right decision as far as MINT is concerned, there's no need to pay 3000 for ST if it's above the limit u want to spend. Ming seems like a nice choice considering they look so much alike except Ming has a little more meat on her; Mint is just too scrawny for my tastes, almost looks anorexic, but that's just my opinion..
Ok, finally after such a long waiting peripod, I am back to tell you the end of my journey.
As I walk down from my hotel room I passed by the entrance of NEP but I did not get in. i had something in my mind, something it was not inside NEP...I hired a taxi bike and for 70 Thb I was on the road to...Patpong and KC3. My goal was Jane ( because I knew Jay was not in service anymore).
When I get in this place I was like sucked in by a thousand of arms... I found a place to seat and I had so many LB's around me I was ashamed to even try to look at one of them. And, on the other side of the narrow dance stage, I saw her...She was beautiful. A way more than on the pictures. She sat with a customer and apparently he was already in business with her!!!
I looked at her and when she saw me she smiled and stared me for a long time. She did that many times while she was talking with her customer. I guessed she better wanted to go with me rather than him. But I guess I was 15mn too late.
I was really disapointed and all the other LB's tried to convince me with their charms but it was hopeless.
So, I headed back to NEP. I walk in Obs. I had a drink while I was talking to the most tiny LB I've ever seen. She was cute but when I touched her, I put my finger in her asshole and it was awfully stinky!So I went to the toilets to try to wash my hands and get this out of skin.
Organ, the girl from last night was here, but I wanted to try someone else.
After I finished my Coke, I walk up to Cascade.
I chat with Liccy, but she get angry with me coz I did not want to go with her. Nina the girl I had last nite was dancing too. Them I saw Cee, but she looked alike Nina too much, at least too much the same style, so even if I dreamed about her for so long, I decided to check something else...Jane was still in my mind, specially after the glances she gave me, I was really exited. I decided to go back to Patpong and check if she was back from his ST (I hoped it was an ST).
I told to the bike driver: "wait me 10mn, if I am not there get another customer".
I walked quickly to KC3, I checked inside but she was not back...Too bad...
Once again I get back to NEP and try to check out Temptations. I do not like this place that much, but one talent is working there, so i wanted to get a closer look.
She was here, and smiling...she, I mean Eye. She was lovely. As she was dancing I waited her to stop. She asked if I wanted her to seat with me. Of course darling!
I ordered a drink for her and one for me. I talked straight to her, I was not in a rush, but I do not like to speak for hours when I know I only aim a good fuck in no time.
Ok I am a little rude there, but...it is how I am...sometimes!
So I proceed to the same routine, I wrote my hotel name and room number on a piece of paper and I walked back to my room. After 5mn she was here standing in my door as lovely as ever.
To be frank, she get a bigger and stronger body than what I could tell on the picture.
But for the rest she was really nice in the sack and she seemed to enjoy having sex with me.
I appreciate to take her in doggy style while she was looking at me in the mirror. Very sexy.
It was a very nice experience, I think I will see her again next time I will be in LOS, but for sure, I will try to get this Jane from KC3....
So folks...this is the end of the story, I hope you liked it.
See you next time for another report
Thought it might have been you, filoubidou, barfining Eye on your final night in BKK - but I had to await your final instalment to be sure. I was sitting opposite in Temptations - watching the stylish & sultry Eye weave her magic charm on you! I agree with your opinions of her.Shame we didnt get an opportunity to meet up, but next time I will look out for you!
Great reports overall, even if a little unfair on tiny Bam from Obs (taken unawares by a filoubidou digit) Didnt know she was stinky, but is good fun anyway!
And Lichy consistently gets stroppy with me for not buying drink / barfining her etc etc., dont know why she grumbles so much. Should learn customer service from TeeTee, I suggest!TT