The TRIP REPORTS Forum » The old man visits Pattaya
Post Number: 47
Posted on: Mar. 26 2008,14:26
Continuing the story of Monday night. Gita has gone and have walked a short walk down Soi Bukao to reach Pook Bar where, in the external area there were approximately 15 LBs, and on the bar stools across from where I parked, there was an elderly couple, then a couple of middle-aged men talking to each other.
On the part of the Bar that looks out towards the street, the seats were all occupied by (I assumed) LBs, with their backs to me.
On my side one guy was talking to a LB and, in a side area behind me, sat facing the wall, a couple of guys were talking to each other.
I did not go inside, so I do not know if there was anyone in there.
I sat at the bar, two empty seats on either side of me, and eyed the talent. Varying ages, all sizes and shapes (from fat thighs to great legs; from short hair to flowing locks; from large boobs to flat chests; all shades of skin €“ some nicely tattooed, some horribly tattooed).
There were some very masculine types that looked like the worst type of transvestite and some whom I was sure they were not LBs, but (and as usual I am talking about my personal taste, which is undoubtedly different from yours) if they were GG's they were not very attractive.
The interesting thing was that the girls were talking to each other when not doing their turn on one of the raised dance pods or they were standing on the front edge calling the (very few) passers-by.
The bar staff took my order and served me. During the time I was there, no one approached me or sat on the empty chairs on either side. (Just so there is no misunderstanding, I had just showered and washed my hair after my session with Gita, applied deodorant, after-shave and put on a clean shirt, so it wasn't body odour that made any LB keep away €“ that is obviously the style of the bar).
I looked around and was having trouble making a decision. That wasn't because the talent was so wonderful €“ it was because I was still feeling sated from my earlier session with Gita, and I was more interested in finding someone I could have dinner (though given the time, to be "socially correct" it would be referred to as "Supper") and someone to sleep with for the rest of the night, (or play with, if sleep alluded me) and who would act as the demolition specialist on my morning erection.
I had sort of whittled it down to an LB with that which I could best describe as a "Japanese-type" face, but I'd only had a quick glimpse of her as she had her back to me; an older LB with good boobs and a very short haircut, but I could not imagine waking up next to her; and an LB on the far dance pod who looked great from the back but was only dancing with her back to me.
The LB on the far dance floor moved to the central bar dance floor, and at the same time, two LBs whom I had not seen before, but were fairly attractive, moved onto the dance floor directly behind me and, as they swung round the poles, both touched my back or shoulders with their hands and feet; I turned round, they made eye contact and the message was clea; they would approach when their dance set was completed and, if encouraged, either or both would join me.
The girl on the central bar dance floor was slowly working in an anti-clockwise direction, and finally got round to face me, and eventually caught onto the fact that I was desperately trying to make eye contact.
I signalled that when she finished I would like her to sit with me and I wanted to buy her a drink and talk. She finally understood.
She finished the dance set and came round and sat down.
I thought she was lovely looking. The chin, maybe, was a little strong, but whereas I notice that in the photos, after the event, it was not so noticeable when I was originally talking to her.
Her English was halting, and I had to repeat things slowly before she answered.
After the usual opening chit-chat I asked "Can you get hard?"
She replied "Certainly"
I asked "Can you still cum"
She replied "Of course I can come"
I asked how much she wanted €“ she gave me a short term price and a long term price.
[Incidentally, when I have left Pattaya, I will post, in this Trip Report, in full detail, details of the short and long term prices that I was quoted, and the Bar Fine rates. However, because of an incident that took place in the early hours of Wednesday morning (and upon which I will report when I recount the story of Tuesday night, I want to be out of this town before I give out any short and long term price information.]
I said I would like to take her long-term. She said there was a Bar Fine, but if I wanted to wait until 2 pm she would still meet further down the street, but she would like to tell me that she was new to both Pattaya and the Bar and it would help her with the Papasan if I paid her bar fine.
I agreed to do that and I asked if she was hungry (because I was very hungry) and she said that she would like some food too.
So, she collected her stuff and I asked her to choose a restaurant. She led me to a nearby restaurant. We sat down; I looked at the menu and asked if she could lead me somewhere else. I was happy to eat Thai food, but at this time of night I wanted grilled food not fried food.
She took me to two more restaurants, which had not got photo menus so I would not sit down, and then we walked down Soi Buakao to Soi Diana (passing a Chorus from the New Orn LBs, which my date did not notice as she was struggling to try and answer a question). She led us to McDonalds, where upon I flagged a tuk-tuk taxi with the intention of going to a Fish Restaurant on Walking Street.
She did not want to walk up Walking Street ("No like"), so we walked up South Pattaya Road, and she took me to an inexpensive restaurant where she ordered a very small meal and I had some grilled shrimps. During the meal I used a couple at an adjacent table to help translate my questions because most were being met with "Me, no understand".
After dinner we took a tuk tuk taxi to my hotel.
The New Orn Harridans went berserk, but my date was so absorbed in something within her head, that she did not notice anything.
I have something I need to attend to. I will continue a little later, but let me leave you with a photo of my date, whose name is Lec.
These photos were taken at about 11.00 am on Tuesday morning, as she left, wearing the clothes in which she had arrived, without make-up and after very little sleep.
I thought Lec was absolutely adorable, the photos do not do her justice.
Post Number: 49
Mar. 26 2008,16:44
Lec was very quiet and downcast in the elevator. I thought it was nerves. She was obviously new to escort work, and despite some of the sights that I see on the streets that I know look more grotesque than me, I always feel it must be daunting for a young girl to go with an old, unattractive, guy knowing that they are going for sex.
Most of you will totally disagree and, in a great many cases you will be correct, but there are (I hope) occasions when even the most hardened, uncaring of you must feel that the girl feels fear and trepidation.
We enter the room; I give her the agreed amount (somewhat guiltily because it is so little)
Taking the money Lec waiid and puts it in her purse; I kiss her gently. She does not "melt in my arms", but responds nicely but then steps back, with her body at an angle as I pull her in.
So, I show her the bathroom and ask her if she would like to take a shower.
She goes and takes a shower, and comes out with a towel tightly wrapped above her bosom. She sits, kind of nervously, at the end of the bed. I tell her to relax whilst I have a shower.
I turn off all the lights except a small bedside table lamp and turn down the a/c fan because Lec is shivering, and I go to have a shower, use the Listerine, etc, etc. And come out with a towel around my waist.
I sit next to Lec and kiss her; she is kissing back but there is something odd going on, and I think I know what this could be.
I say:" Lec, would you prefer it if I turned off the light?"
"Yes" she says and the room is now dark except for a faint light from the computer playing my "mood music".
I start kissing her, she kisses back, and I get a hand through the towel onto her small, hormonal, breasts.
My hand moves down, her stomach shivers, she tries to divert my hand, I hit the top of her panties. Escorts do not normally shower, then put on panties, then wrap a towel round them prior to "doing the business".
"Lec, I know you are a Ladyboy, so what is the problem?"
"How you know me ladyboy, Pook has girl and ladyboy?
"Well I did not know it had real girls Lec, I thought everyone in Pook Bar was a ladyboy because I thought Pook Bar was only a Ladyboy Bar and I thought you were the most beautiful ladyboy in the bar".
Lec immediately starts kissing me passionately, and pulls my hand into her panties, using her other hand to push her panties down.
I stop kissing her and say:
"Lec we had a conversation at Pook Bar, I asked "Can you get hard?"
You replied "Certainly"
I asked "Can you still cum"
You replied "Of course I can come"
"Sorry, I not understand you at Bar; if you happy, I happy. You put light on now so you can see me and I can see you".
(As they used to say in the comics I read when I was a kid €“ Thinks: I'm going to get more pleasure out of seeing you naked than you will get from seeing my naked flesh).
We had a lovely night; maybe we slept the odd fifteen minutes, but we did sleep between 7am and 8am when the alarm rang and she immediately dived down to the flagpole that rises when I awake and we had another great 90 minutes before I suggested she showered, got dressed and went home because she had to be at work at Pooks Bar 2.00 pm.
She offered to stay 24 hours if I just paid the Bar Fine. I said a regretful no, because had I not got an arrangement to meet SB & TTC that evening, I would have said yes, in spite of my avowed intention to butterfly all week.
Then Lec said if she stayed a week all she wanted was X which is what she sent her parents each month and Y her share of the rent. I told her I was leaving in the next day or two, and I was really sorry, etc., etc., etc.
Summation: - The highlight of my January sojourn in Bangkok was Neung.
Actually, I would rate that short afternoon interlude as my best experience in Thailand for a few years.
Lec does not have Neung's vibrant personality, nor Neung's equipment, and Neung's English skills were better €“ but of all the LBs I have been with anywhere over last few years, I sensed this was the first (had she been anywhere else in the world) that I could envisage taking away from the Escort Business for a trial period, in order to see if this was the one whom I would I send to school etc., and with whom I could live.
I was impressed. So I will not be able to return to Pook Bar this trip. I don't trust myself to have the strength of will to stick to my own personal ground rules.
These photos were taken just before 7 am, without make-up (obviously) and after a lot of activity and virtually no sleep.
Mar. 26 2008,16:44
Lec was very quiet and downcast in the elevator. I thought it was nerves. She was obviously new to escort work, and despite some of the sights that I see on the streets that I know look more grotesque than me, I always feel it must be daunting for a young girl to go with an old, unattractive, guy knowing that they are going for sex.
Most of you will totally disagree and, in a great many cases you will be correct, but there are (I hope) occasions when even the most hardened, uncaring of you must feel that the girl feels fear and trepidation.
We enter the room; I give her the agreed amount (somewhat guiltily because it is so little)
[and in reply to BM 69Billy, Post # 42:
PS...A Good piece of advice for you....NEVER EVER pay LBs or GGs in advance...Which I notice you have been doing...AND If you want a good service , tell them if there good you'll give them a good tip...
PS...A Good piece of advice for you....NEVER EVER pay LBs or GGs in advance...Which I notice you have been doing...AND If you want a good service , tell them if there good you'll give them a good tip...
With the greatest of respect to your prowess BM 69 Billy, which I greatly admire, and to your experience, which I know is immense, I have been P4P-ing for a very long time, in all corners of the globe, and I am confident that I can judge the situation and, usually the provider, and sometimes I pay in advance and sometimes I don't. That said, for the novice your advice is totally correct].
So, I show her the bathroom and ask her if she would like to take a shower.
She goes and takes a shower, and comes out with a towel tightly wrapped above her bosom. She sits, kind of nervously, at the end of the bed. I tell her to relax whilst I have a shower.
I turn off all the lights except a small bedside table lamp and turn down the a/c fan because Lec is shivering, and I go to have a shower, use the Listerine, etc, etc. And come out with a towel around my waist.
I sit next to Lec and kiss her; she is kissing back but there is something odd going on, and I think I know what this could be.
I say:" Lec, would you prefer it if I turned off the light?"
"Yes" she says and the room is now dark except for a faint light from the computer playing my "mood music".
I start kissing her, she kisses back, and I get a hand through the towel onto her small, hormonal, breasts.
My hand moves down, her stomach shivers, she tries to divert my hand, I hit the top of her panties. Escorts do not normally shower, then put on panties, then wrap a towel round them prior to "doing the business".
"Lec, I know you are a Ladyboy, so what is the problem?"
"How you know me ladyboy, Pook has girl and ladyboy?
"Well I did not know it had real girls Lec, I thought everyone in Pook Bar was a ladyboy because I thought Pook Bar was only a Ladyboy Bar and I thought you were the most beautiful ladyboy in the bar".
Lec immediately starts kissing me passionately, and pulls my hand into her panties, using her other hand to push her panties down.
I stop kissing her and say:
"Lec we had a conversation at Pook Bar, I asked "Can you get hard?"
You replied "Certainly"
I asked "Can you still cum"
You replied "Of course I can come"
"Sorry, I not understand you at Bar; if you happy, I happy. You put light on now so you can see me and I can see you".
(As they used to say in the comics I read when I was a kid €“ Thinks: I'm going to get more pleasure out of seeing you naked than you will get from seeing my naked flesh).
We had a lovely night; maybe we slept the odd fifteen minutes, but we did sleep between 7am and 8am when the alarm rang and she immediately dived down to the flagpole that rises when I awake and we had another great 90 minutes before I suggested she showered, got dressed and went home because she had to be at work at Pooks Bar 2.00 pm.
She offered to stay 24 hours if I just paid the Bar Fine. I said a regretful no, because had I not got an arrangement to meet SB & TTC that evening, I would have said yes, in spite of my avowed intention to butterfly all week.
Then Lec said if she stayed a week all she wanted was X which is what she sent her parents each month and Y her share of the rent. I told her I was leaving in the next day or two, and I was really sorry, etc., etc., etc.
Summation: - The highlight of my January sojourn in Bangkok was Neung.
Actually, I would rate that short afternoon interlude as my best experience in Thailand for a few years.
Lec does not have Neung's vibrant personality, nor Neung's equipment, and Neung's English skills were better €“ but of all the LBs I have been with anywhere over last few years, I sensed this was the first (had she been anywhere else in the world) that I could envisage taking away from the Escort Business for a trial period, in order to see if this was the one whom I would I send to school etc., and with whom I could live.
I was impressed. So I will not be able to return to Pook Bar this trip. I don't trust myself to have the strength of will to stick to my own personal ground rules.
These photos were taken just before 7 am, without make-up (obviously) and after a lot of activity and virtually no sleep.
Re-Reading that reminds me that I had intended, if we ever met again, to give Lec some more money,which I will do next week, but I must admit I am surprised that she is still working - I did not think she would last long, either because she wouldn't be suited to the work or because someone would quickly "snap her up".
The older I get, the more I realize how little I really know!