Funny, I heard a different version, never mind , happy she obliged her customer
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Slutty or nice...
(pacman @ Apr. 02 2009,17:47) if that's your plan, it might be best to stay home & stick pins in your eyes...
It's bound to be cheaper & more comfortable...harris11
(Drift Spunk @ Apr. 02 2009,11:20) On my recent stay Fern dressed classy during the day and a mixture of Sexy and classy at nights ,she made every other ladyboy in view look cheap
I didnt get to see her this trip & was told She's not working much these days has a little job on the side, dealing in something or another
Always liked Fern, nice kid !Be lucky,have fun & stay young !
Back to the topic in question , I like them to be well behaved , friendly and well versed in social educate, and a complete slut in the bedroom or kitchen or bathroom ...........
Failing that I'll just settle for sluttyFree your mind and your ass will follow .
(richmond @ Apr. 02 2009,15:43) Look this could be a deep and meaningful thread but lets stick to basics at this time of my life(well onto the back nine}(stopped getting new shirts}(cutting back on green bananas)Nice is nice but a slut is better!!!
nice---------------- long time
nice slutty-------------- for life..
there are nice girls but look slutty... a mile bettergarcia
(Drift Spunk @ Apr. 02 2009,19:20) On my recent stay Fern dressed classy during the day and a mixture of Sexy and classy at nights ...
...she made every other ladyboy in view look cheap and...
very simple.......if she is slutty then i like very very slutty the dirtier the better.but if nice then i like em with hair up and nice dress and a thai accent with an old etonian slant, needless to say ive not yet met any of the latter..................but many of the former yes so i settle for them