Hi guys, let me just begin by saying I think this is an absolutely fantastic site, quite possibly the best site for anything on the entire internet.
I think that the people than run the website, Jon, Stogie etc are terrific people and if I knew the Pope I would defininately be putting in a good word re:sainthood.
The content is of the highest quality at all times and I too have been deeply offended by the recent outbreak of criticism and fully support Jon and Stogie in their planned censorship of the forum. It is a great idea guys and long overdue in my opinion.
Once again I just want to thank you for all the hard work you put in Jon (again you are terrific) and Stogie (pure sunlight) and hope that none of my words have offended anyone of any race, creed, colour or sexual persuasion.
I apologize for using the word sexual and think that this blanket ban on any criticism should be broadened to include swearing and cuss words.
Just my opinion so please, nobody take offense, but if you do please email me and I will self discipline, perhaps a red hot poker in the fundament as per medieval times when cencorship was at its' best.
Once again, you guys are just priceless and I thank God, Buddah, Mohammed etc for your existence and commitment to this brilliant site.
Thank you for this opportunity to express how I feel and God Bless you All......
I think that the people than run the website, Jon, Stogie etc are terrific people and if I knew the Pope I would defininately be putting in a good word re:sainthood.
The content is of the highest quality at all times and I too have been deeply offended by the recent outbreak of criticism and fully support Jon and Stogie in their planned censorship of the forum. It is a great idea guys and long overdue in my opinion.
Once again I just want to thank you for all the hard work you put in Jon (again you are terrific) and Stogie (pure sunlight) and hope that none of my words have offended anyone of any race, creed, colour or sexual persuasion.
I apologize for using the word sexual and think that this blanket ban on any criticism should be broadened to include swearing and cuss words.
Just my opinion so please, nobody take offense, but if you do please email me and I will self discipline, perhaps a red hot poker in the fundament as per medieval times when cencorship was at its' best.
Once again, you guys are just priceless and I thank God, Buddah, Mohammed etc for your existence and commitment to this brilliant site.
Thank you for this opportunity to express how I feel and God Bless you All......