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Reasons for ending a LTR with a LB

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  • Reasons for ending a LTR with a LB

    Every time i hook up with a new LB (usually non p4p) the subject of how many LBs I have in my harem comes up. Have I had LB gf before, and then the question of 'Why you leave her'...

    I've tried several approaches in the past : she lie me, she go with other guy etc etc, the truth being that I just got bored more or less, or the long distance thing got to me or well it just ran its course...but if I tell them that , they'll have every right to think that they'll be next ...

    It seems though, that every reason I give, no matter how iron-clad it seems to me, is scrutinised and tested and somewhow I never think they're satisfied...

    Any suggestions for how I might deal with the situation in a way that closes the subject ?
    Putting the boy back into ladies

  • #2
    This is actually true for me , but feel free to use it as an excuse

    I look for 3 things with my LB relationships , (1) Great Sex (2) Great Fun going out together as a couple at night ( im a night person) (3) Generally being in sync/not miserablke all the other time your together (when the other 2 times ( Sex/Going out) dont apply) .

    So if it aint 3 outta 3 for me then always an excuse to end it and start looking again


    • #3
      Thanks monkeyman. Food for thought.

      I think I can weave some of that into the conversation
      Putting the boy back into ladies


      • #4

        Good topic for San Valentine: How to break a relationship even before starting it
        Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


        • #5
          I'm talking about how to tell the new one why I left the last one
          Putting the boy back into ladies


          • #6
            LB's seem to have an unusually intense curiousity for why you left your ex, especially if they were an LB. Insecurity issues? Hmm... I've never had a single GG care about why I left my ex.
            I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


            • #7
              So true....that's why I need help
              Putting the boy back into ladies


              • #8
                I don't know...I mean, just be honest and hopefully the subject gets dropped. If you are looking for a good "white lie" that is going to shut her curiousity up, then I don't think there is one. Nope, sorry, no silver bullet here. However, what's always worked for me in the past is that over time my new gf sees that things are different from before and eventually she'll turn. Her incessant questions about why you left your last one will soon turn into constants insults against your ex. Instead of her asking 'why you leave?' or something like that she'll styart saying stuff like 'i'm na rak mak gwa', etc...
                I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                • #9
                  (dummy_plug @ Feb. 14 2009,22:26) ...sorry, no silver bullet here. However, what's always worked for me in the past is that over time my new gf sees that things are different from before and eventually she'll turn.
                  100% right. The questions eventually go away but still would be handy to be able to fob them off easily...

                  I guess it's the guilty conscience

                  On another front I PM'd 'funk' and he told me he was talking about another place with LB FL mostly catering to the Thai market...not the sidewalk bars on sukhumvit...

                  Putting the boy back into ladies


                  • #10
                    Just tell the new girl the last one was "man naa" means a big headed vain superstar
                    wannabe...they understand that 555
                    Forgot how this forum works  


                    • #11
                      (Naang Faa @ Feb. 14 2009,23:37) Just tell the new girl the last one was "man naa" means a big headed vain superstar
                      wannabe...they understand that 555
                      OK let me get the accent right....

                      Good stuff..short and sweet
                      Putting the boy back into ladies


                      • #12
                        MAH-NAAR try it phonetically... no gap between the H and the N.

                        Forgot how this forum works  


                        • #13
                          Why tell them a thing...

                          They won't believe you or understand you or see it your way, so why bother.

                          It'll frustrate them but at least they won't have any ammo!


                          • #14
                            Yup thats a good point - just deny everything - no matter what. Its uncanny but Thai's seem unable to deal with a complete lie even if they know it is - unless you admit it. Learnt that story long ago - just deny, deny deny and they cant argue with it.

                            Wierd but true.



                            • #15
                              i think the answer to this one is to tell her your just not GAY anymore.

