(doug @ Jan. 27 2009,19:00) But if you do encounter any racism while here........ It's directed at you because you're "not-Thai"

You seem to have had a worse time with taxi drivers than me - mostly I have found them OK though some have had zero knowledge of even central Bangkok.
The simple fact is that 98-99% of Thais have never been outside Thailand and the sole experience of most of them about other cultures is Thai TV.
All 5 or 6 channels of game shows, advertisements, soap operas, advertisements, news about Thailand, advertisments and an occassional 3rd rate movie dubbed into Thai, followed by advertisements.
(If I have to watch more than 5 minutes of it I feel like...

Young Thais perception of the west can be summed up in a 3 minute music video - that's all they watch.

Anyone remember the science fiction movie where the aliens come to earth after picking up TV signals for years?
Welcome to Thailand
