Just as a warning to all of you who travel with porn on your laptops, I was searched my US customs upon entry to the USA after being in Thailand. It was a random search.
They looked through every file, read my mail, looked for hidden files and looked at every CD I had. They looked at every video and every photo.
As most of you may know I shoot porn so I had some on me. They then wanted to see the ID card for EVERY model I had on my computer and CDs. Every single one of them. Of course I had them ALL to prove they were 18 years old age but they informed me if I didn't have IDs on any of them that they could confiscate my material and computer should they feel the need to.
It was a few hours of a cluster fuck and 100000 questions. They were looking for child porn, didn't find it and STILL added me into the computer to be searched for future visits. Gotta love America.
So heads up, ship your porn home if you have any. In the event you do get a random search and they find something without an ID card, your laptop may go bye-bye.
And for what its worth, it was ALL ladyboy porn. So they looked through a few hours of ladyboys. LOL That part was glorious.
They looked through every file, read my mail, looked for hidden files and looked at every CD I had. They looked at every video and every photo.
As most of you may know I shoot porn so I had some on me. They then wanted to see the ID card for EVERY model I had on my computer and CDs. Every single one of them. Of course I had them ALL to prove they were 18 years old age but they informed me if I didn't have IDs on any of them that they could confiscate my material and computer should they feel the need to.
It was a few hours of a cluster fuck and 100000 questions. They were looking for child porn, didn't find it and STILL added me into the computer to be searched for future visits. Gotta love America.
So heads up, ship your porn home if you have any. In the event you do get a random search and they find something without an ID card, your laptop may go bye-bye.
And for what its worth, it was ALL ladyboy porn. So they looked through a few hours of ladyboys. LOL That part was glorious.