I agree with Naang Faa...maybe some of us need to surround ourselves with a different quality of Thai woman (or LB)!
No announcement yet.
Do you send money to LBs?
(sev7en @ Nov. 21 2008,01:55)(robbo @ Nov. 21 2008,01:51) she had sadness in her eyes,full of emotion, when we parted,and i felt sad to. i also caught her crying in my apartment in BKK one night staring out over the city night,.
I bought into that too a few times.
Thai rak thai .
Falang rak thai.
Thai rak falangbaht."Most guys live their lives in the shade of the fear of what their macho friends will think about them" -- Mr. DJW
(fionasexyangel @ Nov. 21 2008,02:23)(sev7en @ Nov. 21 2008,01:55)(robbo @ Nov. 21 2008,01:51) she had sadness in her eyes,full of emotion, when we parted,and i felt sad to. i also caught her crying in my apartment in BKK one night staring out over the city night,.
I bought into that too a few times.
Thai rak thai .
Falang rak thai.
Thai rak falangbaht."I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"
Jaidee 2009
The other white meat
Often the cynics are the guys who only see the girls in or around the bars or ST room and don't consider them as human, just as commodity - That's sad really, for both sides.
These girls are real people doing what is likely the only job available to them to earn money to support their familes (read parents).
Thai kids owe their parents their life, that's how they see it. They will often do whatever is required to support them out of duty and respect to them.
I don't blame the cynics, I pity them.Meum cerebrum nocet
(dixon cox @ Nov. 24 2008,07:28) These girls are real people doing what is likely the only job available to them to earn money to support their familes...
There are no hookers working in farang bars that could not be working another kind of job. There are millions of other ways they could be earning a living.
For almost all the ladyboys working in farang bars it's the easy option to make a fast buck.
It's not the only job available to them, but it's one of the few that allows them a decent standard of living. Discrimination is still a fact of life in the world, and Thailand is no different. Most, if not all, of the girls come from lower class families. Even if they were to enter the workforce in a legit occupation they'd end up making paltry sums like 10-15k baht/month if lucky. I don't justify working in the bar as yes they do have other options, but none could make near the money they could in the bars.
I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!
Maybe what I was trying to say also was that for many they are viewed only as hookers and the fact they are real people is lost, due to many farang only seeing them in the typical hooker surroundings.
These are my views for those that I have got to know better and obviously don't cover all girls in the scene.
Debates like this will go on for eternity, that's just one satang's worth of my viewMeum cerebrum nocet
It's not the only job available to them, but it's one of the few that allows them a decent standard of living...
You'd think that with all this extra money they'd be lording it over the office girls, but in fact (in my experience) they rarely are...
In the several years I have been here and the multitude of girls I have been with both in and out of the business I would say that in terms of happiness, standard of housing, ownership of nice things (cars, TVs, etc) I'd say the college ladyboy graduates on under 20K a month have a far better life than most of the hookers on 40K a month or less.
Of course it's the way they manage their money that makes the difference...
I've been to loads of apartments of P4Ps and they are pretty disgusting places. In fact it's depressing to see how they live outside the so called glamorous world of the Bangkok nightlife. Contrary to that I have seen a few college grads and they certainly don't waste any money and manage to have a lot of nice things in nicer apartments in better neighborhoods.
I'm only generalizing... there are rich P4Ps and there are poor office girls.
Like you say - discrimination does play a part but it's also used as an excuse by many ladyboys not to better their lives.
(dixon cox @ Nov. 24 2008,07:58) ...they are viewed only as hookers and the fact they are real people is lost, due to many farang only seeing them in the typical hooker surroundings...
An uneducated Issan P4P arrives on the scene intent on making money. They have varying degrees of success depending on how hard they are perpared to work, how attractive they are, how lucky they are with their boyfriends, etc.
They generally don't have any role model or tuition in how to look after their money, some understand but the number I have seen piss it away is shocking.
I met one this year whose sponsor had sent her 80,000 baht - she had nothing to show for it, she lived it up, bought drinks & gifts for friends, probably loaned them money, 2 months later, she had nothing.
It occurred to her that it wasn't very smart when she found she had nowhere to live.
And the reference to discrimination shouldn't be overlooked. The ideal skin colour for a hi-so Thai girl is translucent, more white than white.
We are dealing with a society more biased against skin colour than possibly anywhere on earth, notice every second ad on TV is for some new whitening product? Ever asked a new girl to come to the beach?
Yes, I know there are plenty who will join you for sunbathing, but ask a fair skinned girl to come swimming. They flat out won't go in my experience.
Not for them to be considered "dark" therefore not equal in the eyes of polite society. A friend here at home has a Thai wife, she has never stepped onto a beach or gone swimming in 25 years.
We rarely get any insight into what the girls think of this, the young ones act as if nothing matters but they know their place in society, no rich Thai boyfriend for them if they break the rules.
Does that explain the behaviour of all of them? Of course not, but as an excuse for them not trying to better their lives, it is a very powerful one.Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.
Never been asked, used to keep in contact with thai gg, she never asked for any money either, but she would get her bahts worth while i was in los, you buy for me?you buy for my sister? you buy for me? you get the picture, it wasn't an issue because we would have some fun too, and this was all part of long time in my eyes!i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................
(dixon cox @ Nov. 24 2008,07:28) Often the cynics are the guys who only see the girls in or around the bars or ST room and don't consider them as human, just as commodity
Thats why its called pay for pleasure unless you hadnt noticed. I doubt if even the most hardened punter thinks of a LB as piece of meat in the butchers anyway..
( well Ok , there is whatshisname)
I suppose you want to ban pornography as well,
What a clown