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The LB of my dreams... is only 17!

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  • #46

    Footnotes 14
    Although Thailand's age of consent is usually said to be 15, the laws can be interpreted to allow prosecution for sex with someone under 18.


    • #47
      The amount wrong information in this thread is frighting and could well get someone a stay in the Bangkok Hilton.

      Under Thai law the age of consent is 18 if money or gifts change hands.  
      It is 15 if there is no money or other consideration involved.  

      Do you think the boys in brown would believe for a second a Farang was having sex with a Thai, between the ages 15-18, without paying for it?

      Under an amendment to the Human Trafficking Act, signed by Bill Clinton, but didn't go into effect until 2003, it is illegal for a citizen of the U.S. to travel to another country and have "commercial sex" (money changing hands) with anyone under the age of 18, regardless of the age of consent in that country. The question becomes, how would the U.S. authorities find out you have violated the law. There have been several cases in recent years of Farangs being arrested in the short time rooms of Sunee plaza bars.
      If they can't produce a ID card showing they are at least 19, I'm not interested. The ID cards are issued, BTW, when they turn 15.


      • #48
        Isnt there a saying you only break the law if you get caught.


        • #49
          Do you think the boys in brown would believe for a second a Farang was having sex with a Thai, between the ages 15-18, without paying for it?
          It doesn't matter what they "believe". They still need proof and Thai police are meticulous about getting proof before they lock up farangs.

          Like I said - if you meet a 15/16/17 year old on the bus on the way home and want to bang the shit out of her or him in the privacy of your own home (and that person reciprocates your desire) then you are NOT breaking any laws in Thailand.

          Of course; it's a bloody stupid thing to do because once little Lek/Somchai gets home and her parents find out then the story out of the little angels mouth will change when they see there's some money to be made... "He raped me, momma!"

          My advice has always been the same...

          Stay at hotels where they check the age and stick with over 18s... especially if you are here on holiday. If you do then you'll stay under the radar and you won't attract any attention.


          • #50
            (JackG @ Nov. 21 2008,05:31) The amount wrong information in this thread is frighting and could well get someone a stay in the Bangkok Hilton.

            Under Thai law the age of consent is 18 if money or gifts change hands.  
            It is 15 if there is no money or other consideration involved.  

            Do you think the boys in brown would believe for a second a Farang was having sex with a Thai, between the ages 15-18, without paying for it?

            Under an amendment to the Human Trafficking Act, signed by Bill Clinton, but didn't go into effect until 2003, it is illegal for a citizen of the U.S. to travel to another country and have "commercial sex" (money changing hands) with anyone under the age of 18, regardless of the age of consent in that country. The question becomes, how would the U.S. authorities find out you have violated the law. There have been several cases in recent years of Farangs being arrested in the short time rooms of Sunee plaza bars.
            If they can't produce a ID card showing they are at least 19, I'm not interested. The ID cards are issued, BTW, when they turn 15.
            What I'd worry about more is the Pattaya Police showing up looking for a big payoff... and you better pay them or you go to jail and get deported and then the US finds out and when you arrive back home you're off to get fucked by Bubba. Remember the Thai Cops are always looking for a good extortion angle... and you don't want to give them the opportunity.


            • #51
              (69billy @ Nov. 19 2008,18:16) I got to say this...
              Even this form is changed..You couldn't even mention anyone under 18 befor...
              I'm not complaining.. If law says 15, 15 it  is..
              It's to do with the country the forum is hosted in. Be it the USA, Canada, or the UK you can't post pics of anyone under 18 and even talk about it when it comes to having sex with them... so technically this thread is pushing those limits. When the forum was hosted by AsianTS they took the host country laws very seriously but now the forum is on Stogie Bears own server so it's up to him if he wants to police it or take the risk of being shut down by his host.


              • #52
                here's something i don't think i saw mentioned in this thread: the thai math.
                forget about whether 17 or 18 is the legal age.
                you're assuming that she was telling the truth about being 17.
                quite often i've found thai girls to perform the thai math... real age + 2 for young ones = age
                or real age - 3 for mature girls = real age....
                so she may have been even younger than you think which rules it out completely.


                • #53
                  If you are American it doesn't matter what the legal age of Thailand is. US law follows you abroad as well and having sex with minors is one of the things they will fuck you on if they catch wind of it. It happened to a guy I know with a female.

                  If you're not... she's probably on most of the websites getting fucked anyway, take your turn.
                  * Third World Media
                  * Black Ops Media


                  • #54
                    (D33 @ Dec. 22 2008,09:23) If you are American it doesn't matter what the legal age of Thailand is.  US law follows you abroad as well and having sex with minors is one of the things they will fuck you on if they catch wind of it. It happened to a guy I know with a female.

                    If you're not...  she's probably on most of the websites getting fucked anyway, take your turn.
                    Would you say younger girls are less likely to have hiv?
                    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                    Jaidee 2009

                    The other white meat


                    • #55
                      Imagine getting caught in the act with a 16 year old ladboy cock up your ass.........


                      • #56
                        ....i find NANCY when she was just 17teen......., but i not ask her how old she is, and she give her ID-card to the reception....every time, without any problems, first when she tell me, "tilak, next week i celebrate my 18. birthday......" i know what happend.....



                        • #57
                          (doitrong @ Dec. 22 2008,12:39) Imagine getting caught in the act with a 16 year old ladboy cock up your ass.........    
                          That would certainly never happen to anyone I know...  
                          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                          • #58
                            I certainly hope not................

                            that would be totally uncool...........


                            • #59
                              (Lefty @ Nov. 20 2008,09:20)
                              (mirimark @ Nov. 18 2008,23:14)
                              (LB_better_than_GG @ Nov. 18 2008,13:55) you did the right thing, sex with someone whose under 18 and who has agreed to sex is considered statutory rape.  You could go to jail for that and you might get raped if you drop your soap.
                              You must be an American ?
                              I think he may be a Kiwi. Why would you AssUMe he was one of our countrymen?
                              He assumed he was an American because of the comment about dropping your soap and getting raped in Prison. In most of the so called developed countries getting raped in Prison is a very rare occurance - except in America where it may happen.

                              Kiwis don't get raped in Prison by other blokes, although I have spoken to a few transexuals who had a great time in Prison


                              • #60
                                According to the PREVENTION AND SUPPRESSION OF PROSTITUTION ACT B.E. 2539 (1996) it states.

                                Section 8. Any person who, in order to gratify the sexual desire of oneself or another person, has sexual intercourse with or acts otherwise against a person [CODE]over fifteen but not over eighteen years of age in a prostitution establishment, with or without his or her consent, shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of one to three years and to a fine of twenty thousand to sixty thousand Baht.
                                If the offence under paragraph one is committed against a child not over fifteen years of age, the offender shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of two to six years and to a fine of forty thousand to one hundred twenty thousand Baht.
                                If the act under paragraph one is committed against one's own spouse, and not to gratify the sexual desire of another person, the offender is not guilty.

