Hi Guys
I am arriving BKK Thursday night leaving Sunday for two nights in Spore and as per usual check the forum to see whats happening before I go and as per usual this digs up a few questions that need to be asked even for a reasonably seasoned LOS visitor.......so here we go :
1.Underage....never really given this a thought and I am pretty sure I have never been with an underage lb nor wish to.On one of the threads ID cards were mentioned and that one should check that the last two digits are under 28 is this right
2.Miss Daphne the hottie from Cebu ........will she still be in town between this Thursday and Sunday ?? If so could someone confirm her number ??
3.Wood Pills; I only use these when in LOS as I tend to get quite pissed when out and about and to date have nicked a few from my mate here in Aus before I travel. Again reading a thread I note that these can be obtained in the chemists on Suk' ...I have in the pasT got the blueys from the shack opp Nana entrance......my question is are these 'kosher ' cialis from the chemists
4.A couple of years back I was taken to a really posh Karoeke place which was in a rather grand building looked like a big mansion type house . Very posh inside and had some real stunning GG's on offer which I partake in also whilst in BKK.I have never been able to find this place again and wondered if any one could decipher where I mean It was next door to some trendy disco I think. Any clues ??
5. I normally fly solo for these visits but this time would like to meet up with any one from the site who may be in BKK between Thursday 21st and sun 24th or Spore 24th - 26th.
Cheers HARRY
I am arriving BKK Thursday night leaving Sunday for two nights in Spore and as per usual check the forum to see whats happening before I go and as per usual this digs up a few questions that need to be asked even for a reasonably seasoned LOS visitor.......so here we go :
1.Underage....never really given this a thought and I am pretty sure I have never been with an underage lb nor wish to.On one of the threads ID cards were mentioned and that one should check that the last two digits are under 28 is this right
2.Miss Daphne the hottie from Cebu ........will she still be in town between this Thursday and Sunday ?? If so could someone confirm her number ??
3.Wood Pills; I only use these when in LOS as I tend to get quite pissed when out and about and to date have nicked a few from my mate here in Aus before I travel. Again reading a thread I note that these can be obtained in the chemists on Suk' ...I have in the pasT got the blueys from the shack opp Nana entrance......my question is are these 'kosher ' cialis from the chemists
4.A couple of years back I was taken to a really posh Karoeke place which was in a rather grand building looked like a big mansion type house . Very posh inside and had some real stunning GG's on offer which I partake in also whilst in BKK.I have never been able to find this place again and wondered if any one could decipher where I mean It was next door to some trendy disco I think. Any clues ??
5. I normally fly solo for these visits but this time would like to meet up with any one from the site who may be in BKK between Thursday 21st and sun 24th or Spore 24th - 26th.
Cheers HARRY