(kahuna @ Sep. 15 2008,15:33)
And you've based your theory after having been with "...maybe 15 lb's..."
There are BM's here who go with 15 ladyboys in less than a week...And no, I'm not a 15 girls in a week guy...But I have been with condiserably more than "...maybe 15 lbs'..."
However, my experience is to stay with the same ladyboy for a while...2 or 3 days...2 or 3 weeks....and sooner or later...usually sooner...they all try and stick my dick in their ass without a condom...That's not to say it happens, but they all try...
(thehawk @ Sep. 15 2008,13:52) I've rarely had a girl try to not use a condom.
There are BM's here who go with 15 ladyboys in less than a week...And no, I'm not a 15 girls in a week guy...But I have been with condiserably more than "...maybe 15 lbs'..."
However, my experience is to stay with the same ladyboy for a while...2 or 3 days...2 or 3 weeks....and sooner or later...usually sooner...they all try and stick my dick in their ass without a condom...That's not to say it happens, but they all try...