Originally posted by
I agree that this site really does cater to a large spectrum of ladyboy lovers. Sure we have different tatses, but UGLY is universal.
I applauded the first batch of PIs before they were ever posted for two reasons... I was comparing them to the Indo shoot, which for my money was a bust. The money would have been better spent asking mechanics to wear lipstick and a tutu!
The second reason I was so enthusiastic abiut the PI girls is that I thought that there would be 2 or 3 a month for the next two years or so! i didn't think we would see so many in such a short space of time!
JD and I are diametrically opposed on many issues regarding the site and we'll keep arguing till the cows come home. Hopefully some of what I say sticks and also a lot of what he tells me makes sense too!
It helps that we are good chums too, and that our differences are always professional...
It's no secret that I would prefer to see fewer galleries and better quality shoots from nicer looking girls. 15 Classy shoots a month is enough for any pay site.
Originally posted by
If it is true that we are featuring 20% -25% PI girls then I would cut that to 10% as from last month.
A few people are grinding their teeth on this forum, and I am wondering how many are just not coming forward and saying what is on their minds...
I'm glad this thread is getting a lot of views...