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Travel to the us

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  • Travel to the us

    Long time member that would rather read than post but I do have a question.
    I have read that it is almost impossible to bring your ladyboy friend to the US for a visit.
    I also know from life experience that impossible is not impossible with enough money.
    My question, how much money would it take to bring your ladyboy friend to the US for a visit?

  • #2
    doesn't matter how much money you can come up with; bribing a  US official is the only way you can do it and   good luck finding the guy who is willing to break the law and get his ass [and yours] thrown in to jail.

     the other methods have been tried  since the Vietnam war and customs officials have seen it all;  some girls get 'real'  jobs for a while, some get their 'sponsors'  to open a large bank account for them, some try and prove they come from a good family or have a small business, etc......99.9%  of these fail.  Bottom line; thousands and thousands of guys have opened bank accounts for their sweethearts and set them up with jobs and other window dressing, but the result after the Embassy visit is always the same; sorry, no visa.   even more so since 9/11 and that is showing no sign of letting up anytime soon.  Easier and safer for a customs beaurocrat to say 'no' to you  rather say yes and lose his  job if your girlfriend skips on the visa or becomes the next Mohammad  Ahta.

         Don't  do what thousands before you have done in the past and open a bank account for a girl and sink  big cash in there to 'prove' that she will come back after her US  visit;  officials  don't buy that crap at all and worse case scenario is your honey cleans out the account and goes back to mama in Issan, leaving you  minus that cash and with no visa.     save  your cash and wait until you can move there full time from the states; that's what I am doing and that will always be my goal because I have decided it's impossible to bring them here.  I don't particularly like living here anyway; I am a proud American but it's too damned expensive here and there are no ladyboys.


    • #3
      It's actually rather easy...if your tgirl is from Philli....and she is trained as a nurse.....
      hehehehe...I'll let you know how it goes......but it appears to be easy as pie.

      US needs nurses and are offering up to $5000.00 "starting bonuses", you can actually get paid to bring in your PI honey

      I'm looking into it now and although I have connections at a few hospitals..I've not had any stumbling blocks so far.


      • #4
        I know quite a few Thais who studied in the US and nearly all their friends visited them. And those guys and girls were students as well. I don't know how they did it, but it can't be that hard - means there must be an official way, where you have to show a ceratin amount of money at a bank account, a reasonable job, somebody who guarantees, etc.
        One of them goes regularly to the US, to visit his friends after he had finnished his studies at the USC/ Cal.



        • #5
          Originally posted by (beandip @ Sep. 11 2004,12:44)
          I've not had any stumbling blocks so far.
          you will.......let us know when they start happening

          are you talking about Aubrey here? that would be great for her

          I think the original poster was talking about Thailand, where it is basically impossible to bring someone here and as far as I know none of the ladyboys are trained as nurses.


          • #6
            If it doesn't have to be the US - for all the PI-girls who are skilled nurses, like Aubrey, it's really not a big deal to get a job in Europe. I met a lot of LB-nurses in London, Switzerland and The Netherlands.
            So c'mon girls get your diploma and move! We need you here!!!



            • #7
              I have not had the pleasure of meeting Aubrey. I can not speak for Thailand. I will not divulge name of my "new" love interest.....

              Without starting a flame war...or a soap seems like my "X" tgirl from Philli is rather pissed at me at the moment for catching her out in a few lies....and scamming me and other men at the same time. I "outed" her on another BB and now she's got a serious hair across her ass. So now she's having a bit of fun at my expense and badmouthing me across Philli....oh well...all I have to say to that is when I visit there in tgirls friends will see what a loveable bloke I really am....(just don't bend over for the soap).

              Anyway, back to the subject at hand. The short of it is, tell all Philli tgirls to enroll in nursing school. Physical therepy is also extremely high in demand in US. There's a shitload of lard -assed baby boomers coming down the pike and the hospitals need trained bend and flex their lathargic limbs back to some semblance of shape.

              I could go on a rant about US "equal oppurtunity laws"....(unfair to qualified white males) but great for tgirls. You know, you can not discriminate for reasons of Race, Sex, (sexual peruasion), Nationality (unless you come from Mus__m country.
              Yes, you need a few connections....but it appears (so far) that it is not that hard to do. You need a marketable skill. Anytime "for profit" corporations (Hospitals) can toss out US citizen nurse on their ass and save a buck and hire by H1-B, L1 and other work visas...believe got a job......just ask John Kerry's wife.....insourcing...outsourcing....all the same thing....

     what scumbag polititians do...don't go AGAINST the system....look for the chinks in the armour and USE the system.


              • #8
                hehehee...yes Mai-Kee....but the good ole US of A just LOVES to hand out money....hospitals are offering hiring bonuses of $5000.00 to $8000.00 and "assistance" for housing to lure nurses from all over the world.

                There's a lot of screwed up things about the US...but there's a lot of cool things just have to know how to play the game, that's all.

       all the guys on this Forum:
                How terrible would it be to have a sexy tgirl nurse give you a TSB!
                Philli nurse speak for "tepid sponge bath"

                I think when I visit Philli, I'm gonna step in front of the first car I see.....and ask my honey to pamper me for just a bit!


                • #9
                  thanks for the great idea's, beandip......I also understand from another friend in the PI that 'caregivers' can also get preferential treatment as far as visa's go.....these are probably people that would work in nursing homes and the like and only requires 1 year of training. as usual, there are people in the USA who think they are 'too good' for jobs like picking grapes and emptying bedpans in nursing homes, so the people from foreign countries who are willing to do that can come in and work those jobs.

                  I'd like to see if this could work with the Thais as well.


                  • #10
                    not to be a downer here at all, but one thing you guys must remember about bringing a girl to the USA; how long do you really think she would hang out with us?

                    I made a post like this when I returned from the Philippines last year, something about "if they could come here with us, would they stay with us?" I really believe that they wouldn't. Nothing personal against anyone here, but we must remember that for the most part we are all middle-aged men and the objects of our affections are usually half our age or less. just being realistic, I think a typical scenario would go something like this;

                    45-year old guy meets ladyboy and falls head over heels in love, either from the PI or Thailand or wherever. they somehow get through all the visa problems, which costs the man thousands of dollars, and lets assume that at this point they are genuinely in love; even the girl feels something for him and can't wait to get to America and start her new life with him. Now after beating insurmountable odds, she is living in Milwaukee, or Boston or even somewhere cool like L.A.; how long do you really think it would take the girl to open her eyes and say "what the hell am I doing with THIS guy?" Some 21-year old beauty who can turn heads in any bar or mall in america, has a belly you can bounce a quarter off of and a face like an angel, and is seeing handsome guys in their 20's driving Mercedes and Beamers.... doncha think after a few trips outside the home she begins to think " I can certainly do better than ol' Joe here, who can only fuck 3 times a week and lives in this ranch in suburban hell?"

                    I don't know, I may just be a skeptic, but I have a feeling that any young ladyboy would run to greener pastures first chance she got. Love? come on...... as my friend Neay once told me " you can't eat love". We must also remember homesickness; these girls would be thousands of miles from home and may not even LIKE where you have transported them to, unless you happen to live in Hawaii. I could be wrong, but I feel like most of these girls would bolt the first chance they had and say "thanks for the visa, been nice knowing ya'"

                    and that is why I will bide my time until I am ready to live there full-time....spending thousands of dollars and dealing with beaurocratic red tape for the next 2 or 3 years doesn't sound like my idea of fun. and hell, by then I can be over there myself full-time and get the hell out of this over-priced, boring country.


                    • #11
                      Well, as long as you are HONEST with tgirl and tell her "caregiver" is the absolute shit end of the stick, when it comes to healthcare'll be ok. Does she want to empty bedpans and scrub up shit, piss and puke all day? By all means, go for it. You will likely get treated like shit by people with 2 more weeks of seniority than yourself (tgirl) Does the prospect of bathing some 400 pound whale who hasn't been able to reach his or her own ass-crack in 15 years appeal to tgirls? Hmmmmmmmm...just some things to ponder, amigo.

                      Hospitals all over the US use recruiters in Philli....and this is where tgirls will have most static from. The tgirl I'm interested in always asks me "how should I appear on my Resume'" To which I answer...."you are not obligated by law to supply a photo"...I've checked with 3 local hospitals regarding this matter...all 3 told me..."No" we really do not care if photo is supplied".
                      Philli tgirl can not seem to comprehend this. Of course, once resume' is supplied to Hospital and they have an interest in hiring person, it helps to know someone in human resources, to make sure all the "T"'s are crosssed and "I" s are dotted. You then have a choice to either slog through all the formal immigration crap yourself...(if you have more time than money)...or just bite the bullet and hire an immigration attourney. The hospital, of course must supply formal "invite" to immigrant to work....bla,bla, bla....

                      The only worry then, once all is settled (you are acting in tgirls best interest and should bargain for highest possible "hiring bonus") if tgirl gets smitten by young doc with Porche and bigger house than yours......then you're back to square one!

                      One way or another gents, you pay for just depends how bad you want it.

                      I am a bit amazed by the short sightedness of SOME tgirls I have met. Some of them (a lot actually) want you to piss $3000.00 away and fly over to stab them with the meat puppet after 3 weeks of chatting. Some gents want a quick roll in
                      the hay ....that's cool, others like myself prefer somewhat more of a long term thing. I tell this tgirl always...."Hey, you're so young (she is), you're runnin' a sprint race...I'm runnin' an endurance patient".

                      Ahhhhh...youthful exuberance at it's best!

                      I think if one is SERIOUS about bringing a tgirl from Philli over as a long term should set REALISTIC time goals...and always keep each other informed of setbacks....It's not a BREEZE, by any measure....but it is not implausably difficult either....just kep common goals in mind and tell tgirl both of you are working as a TEAM for future together.


                      • #12
                        Fantastic point you make Jaidee.

                        Well, here's my take on it.

                        There are no guarantees in life.

                        GG's while are all fine and dandy...REALLY BORE THE TELL OUT OF ME!

                        Ask yourself, what would you "pay" or "do" to have a honey waking up next to you in bed "pitchin' a tent" every morning?

                        So, for me, I'm buying second home in Philli. I am exploring all options (her family being property manager while we are in US)...maybe a family member living in the house on a semi permanant basis.maybe just have a property manager manage the place and rent to wealthy Jap or Korean...or US ex-pat....all options are open.

                        I'm going on a fact finding businss trip also in early 2005. Can one sustain a decent living there, while having a small business there?

                        I run a very sucessful small business here in the States...which allows me a degree of flexibility of taking off for 1-2 months at a time. Some of my skills may transfer over to Philli.....some may not. I'd rather give it a shot...than remain in stasis here.

                        if you risk nothing, you'll gain nothing.I


                        • #13
                          ...I'd just like to add that I do not have much holding me in the NE USA...and have been looking to move to warmer climate for the last 5 it's either AZ, NM, or Cebu...or combo of US / Philli. Some folks may not be fortunate enough to be in the situation I'm in.....and cannot entertain such thoughts...but I've been blessed I guess.

                          ....anyway...back to work for me....

                          Ciao, peeps!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by (beandip @ Sep. 11 2004,16:10)
                            ..  Some folks may not be fortunate enough to be in the situation I'm in.....and cannot entertain such thoughts...but I've been blessed I guess.

                            I can  live anywhere I choose as well but I have some responsibilities here in the states  [also in the northeast] for a few more years before I can move full time to Asia.  At that time I see no reason at all to maintain a place in New England, which to me is over - priced and depressing.  for now I will maintain a place here and travel in Asia as much as I can; I can be patient for a few more years and then I will be there full-time.  for me to entertain thoughts of bringing someone here now would take way too much cash  out of my pockets and would drain my patience, so I  will just have to have my fun in Asia for a few more years and  just deal with this place while I am around here.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by (beandip @ Sep. 11 2004,15:29)
                              Fantastic point you make Jaidee.

                              Well, here's my take on it.

                              There are no guarantees in life.

                              GG's while are all fine and dandy...REALLY BORE THE TELL OUT OF ME!

                              Ask yourself, what would you "pay" or "do" to have a honey waking up next to you in bed "pitchin' a tent" every morning?

                              So, for me, I'm buying second home in Philli.  I am exploring all options (her family being property manager while we are in US)...maybe a family member living in the house on a semi permanant basis.maybe just have a property manager manage the place and rent to wealthy Jap or Korean...or US ex-pat....all options are open.  

                              I'm going on a fact finding businss trip also in early 2005.  Can one sustain a decent living there, while having a small business there?

                              I run a very sucessful small business here in the States...which allows me a degree of flexibility of taking off for 1-2 months at a time.  Some of my skills may transfer over to Philli.....some may not.  I'd rather give it a shot...than remain in stasis here.

                              if you risk nothing, you'll gain nothing.I

                              Good statement Beandip I glad to see that some members of this forum have some common sense , for good sake why everybody have this desire to change the world no need for fucking aggravation, why not enjoy the way it is now leaves this creatures in their own shitty hole where they are.

                              There is enough racial and sex problems in the USA right now. Some of you guys are too emotional ( the worst kind) and sentimental.Even if you manage to obtain visitor visa to visit the US, these clowns don't have sufficient culture to appreciate what they will see. Most of these sex workers believe that the life in America is what they see on the tube
                              big fucking mistake. One member of this forum was pointing out this week that what the majority of these girls have in mind is shopping and watch the TV and he was 100% correct.

                              Why not leaving things the way they are now , travel to Thailand or PI have fun with these girls spend money make a fucking fool of your self with no witness and go back home with good memories.
                              Maybe I'm old fashion.


