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  • #16
    "Some 21-year old beauty who can turn heads in any bar or mall in america, has a belly you can bounce a quarter off of and a face like an angel, and is seeing handsome guys in their 20's driving Mercedes and Beamers.... doncha think after a few trips outside the home she begins to think " I can certainly do better than ol' Joe here, who can only fuck 3 times a week and lives in this ranch in suburban hell?"

    100% true - and that's why the only chance for a good and stable relationship is to move YOUR ass over to Thailand, PI, wherever, settle there BY YOURSELF, get your OWN apartment - independent from your gf - and THEN find a girl with whom you like to live with.



    • #17
      RE: lovelane, Mai-Kee
      Yes, I agree with your train of thought. Again, I can only speak of Philli tgirls. They seem much more "westernized", most speak excellent English and a lot are highly educated. I'm not out to change the world. I'm a "thrifty Yankee"...and know I can use the Dollar / Peso to my advantage, whether starting a business, renting an apartment, or buying a 2nd home in Philli. $40,000.00 can buy you a heck of a nice house in some nice locations in Philli.
      Most Philli tgirls I've met would like to move to the US....or at least visit the US. It is interesting to note that I have met several tgirls (Philli) that regularly converse with Europeans. For some reason (Hahahaha) ? A lot of Europeans like to slag me and my country, which I find rather amusing as most of these people have never been to the US. I don't want to start culture war...but do not hear about thousands of people risking death (as Cuban refugees do to come to US) boating across Med. sea to get to Europe. I don't hear about 16,000 to 25,000 people a WEEK traipsing across deserts (as "migrant" workers do in Southwest USA) to go to Europe. As with most things in life...there are good things and bad things about the just have to play the game right. So, just as tgirls from Philli and Thailand have an extremely distorted view of my country...I have a rather distorted view of their country. I prefer to ask tgirls about EVERY detail pertaining to where they live....instead of getting distorted view from "lonely planet" travel shows and tourist books. I must say I am constantly and pleasantly surprized by the level of education the Philli tgirls have. For me, personally, it would be just too much of a leap right culture, language rationally entertain the though of bringing Thai tgirl to States ....even on a temporary visa. Just as it is probably not feasable for me to learn 100% of Thai culture, learn language, and adapt to Thai ways and move to Thailand. So, Philli tgirls win out in my particular case.

      Again, for me..."slow and steady wins the race"...I am 100% confident that in a relatively short period of time, I'll have a special tgirl to call my own if that is what I choose. I know I'll have a nice 2nd home....and in all likelyhood, have a decent business in a warm climate.

      I just pace myself and make sure that not a week goes by that I don't further myself towards my goal. This method has served me fine up to this point in my life and I see no reason why it would not continue to do so.
      You just have to have a little faith. Again, for the peeps that travel to Philli and thailand 2, 3, 4, 5 times a year...that is fantastic..I wish you guys all the sucess...I'm just a bit more pragmatic in my methods I guess....(curse of the thrifty Yankee)....hahahaha

      Mai_kee, I agree with your assesment of moving over to your country of choice's in the works....

      This is a cool discussion board....a lot of good ideas floating around as well as a healthy degree of constructive critisizm.

      Thanks everyone for your input. All I have to do now is find the damned spell checker......hehehehe


      • #18
        most of the people in the philippines whether you are a tgirl or not wants to migrate to US since living in a third world country is so hard. As a nurse and having a lot of friends that are nurses, i believe that it is not easy to migrate to US even you have a diploma in nursing....If you are a registered nurse and you want to migrate to US you need to take 4 more test and find a sponsor for yourself. so you see its not that easy but compared to other people who are not nurses i have 60-70 % chances to be able to migrate to the states.
        i do agree with your suggestion that tgirls in the philippines should take up nursing coz they might need it in the future.
        even thou i am a nurse i have qualms if i could ever be hired in the states because of my being a tgirl.....
        what do you think?


        • #19
          Aubrey, I understand the financial situation of most of the people in Philli. I know it is not easy...but i'm saying that you have much higher chances....higher than 60-70% compared to regular Philli's.
          95% of people who work in US hospitals are GENERALLY highly educated. You are unlikely to get much FACE to FACE discrimination, from co-workers unless you land a job in "the Bible belt".
          It is 100& illegal to base hiring policies of prospective employees based on Sex, (sexual persuasion), nationality, Race....etc....
          This is where you have an ADVANTAGE! If you "play the game" and play your cards right......
          Yes, of course it is 100% necessary to have a sponsor. I told tgirl I am interested in that i would do EVERYTHING....necessary, within the law, to get her over here as a nurse, if that is her wish.
 can email me at [email protected] if you want more info.... I am not the "answer man"...and do not have all answers now...but perhaps I can help. No promises, but I will try to convey any info I have gathered.

          Again, all you have to do is play the game to your advantage.

          Aubrey, I'm not trying to get your hopes up. It is not easy...but it is possible. Most of the problems in getting hired start from recruiters there in Philli....not hopital administrators in US.

          State Dept can cause problems at US embasey....but if all paperwork is proper, with valid forms and sponsors and job is not impossible to do.


          • #20
            i have sent you an email.
            and thanks by the way.
            i know that i have higher chances compared to ordinary filipinos
            and i hope youll tell me what i need to do....


            • #21
              Many don't know this but the US immigration office has something called a fiance visa. You can bring someone to the US for 90 days and if it works out she can apply for a visa from the US. If not, she must return to her own country. All of the statements on this thread are good warning however. I was married to a Thai for 16 years and we lived in a nice house in the suburbs of LA. Many Thais around etc. but the family was always a pull on my wife to return. They even make up illnesses to pry them away from you. Then when the kids grew up and my mother got so sick as to go into a nursing home, the wife wanted to become an ex-wife. So we got divorced. But six months later she wants back. I am slowly getting used to being single and finding someone new. It is never easy to cross cultures.


              • #22
                Hi Beandip

                Quote " I don't want to start culture war...but do not hear about thousands of people risking death (as Cuban refugees do to come to US) boating across Med. sea to get to Europe. I don't hear about 16,000 to 25,000 people a WEEK traipsing across deserts (as "migrant" workers do in Southwest USA) to go to Europe."

                Actually this is happening in Europe all the time. North Africans by boat to Spain, Albanians by boat to Italy. A truckload of refugees died from lack of air hidden in a tuck that landed in a ferry in Ireland. A refugee camp in France had to be closed because so many of them broke out and tried to walk into the channel tunnel to the UK. Many boats come from Asia to Australia in the past few years, etc, etc, etc.

                It is not only a US thing. Refugees try to get into every western country that offers a decent lifestyle. And who can blame them?




                • #23
                  To Grees:

                  US far as I know, would not recognize same-sex marriages. Fiance' visa would not apply to tgirls.


                  • #24
                    Wise traveller......point well taken, I stand corrected.


                    • #25
                      exactly.......Grees' post only applies to ladies....and I don't want one of them here to bug me all the time....I can find one of them around here now but I'll pass.


                      • #26
                        yeah fiance visa only applies to genuine women not tgirls....
                        sooner or later ill be able to work in the US so i thank you guys for your help. especially to you beandip for giving me ideas on what to do and giving me nice suggestions.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by (Aubrey @ Sep. 13 2004,10:48)
                          sooner or later ill be able to work in the US so i thank you guys for your help.
                          great......think about living in Boston..... there are many many good hospitals and universities around here ......and best part for me? I can visit you!!!


                          • #28
                            A post-op friend of mine told me that for 100K baht they can get their IDs changed from male to female.


                            • #29
                              Aubrey, even if it's hard to imagine, but you should think of applying for a visa as a male nurse - at least that's what the PI LB's did I know and it worked pretty well as they're living in London for quite a while now.



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by (beandip @ Sep. 11 2004,12:44)
                                It's actually rather easy...if your tgirl is from Philli....and she is trained as a nurse.....
                                hehehehe...I'll let you know how it goes......but it appears to be easy as pie.

                                US needs nurses and are offering up to $5000.00 "starting bonuses", you can actually get paid to bring in your PI honey

                                I'm looking into it now and although I have connections at a few hospitals..I've not had any stumbling blocks so far.

                                Your lush won't survive more then a week in a US hospital , after this short period of time she will beg you to ship her back home.


