It was a long and hard decision whether to post this or not, but, if it makes just 1 person think twice then I guess it was worth doing.
I was sat at home watching TV when 3 ladyboys walked in, which might seem a bit weird but its Bangkok and I live with one.
I glance over and one of them I know, she works in Obsession, the other two, I have never seen before. They sit there talking for a while, then one of them goes to get some food. After she comes back we start to eat and I start talking to them.
Of the 2 I don't know it turns out one of them works a bar in Pattaya, the other one is not a working girl. The conversation turns round to Pattaya, and after a load of very sordid tales, I make some statement about safe sex then the Pattaya girl comes out with it..
"Right OK, thanks for the info" I reply.
"Really I HIV, I have"
"Right OK, so that's just great"
I look around the room for a friendly face; I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"She not lie, she have really."
I sit up and this point and look at her,
"OK, so you are HIV, for how long?"
"5 Years."
"What the fuck, get the fuck outta here! Fuckin 5 years!" "What is this shit?"
She then pulls out a box of pills and starts waving them in my face and in a slow voice say.
"Have, I have 5 year, I take drug, make me look not sick."
"But you work in bar? You still work in bar!"
She nods.
"You feel bad about this?"
"They can die."
"Sorry? What did you say?" Nearly falling off my chair at this statement.
"I will die and they can die too, same me."
"You don't care about that?"
"They can die."
At this point the 3 of them get up and walk to the door. As they go I ask,
"Others in the bar HIV?"
"Yes" she replied." "Many have."
I was sat at home watching TV when 3 ladyboys walked in, which might seem a bit weird but its Bangkok and I live with one.
I glance over and one of them I know, she works in Obsession, the other two, I have never seen before. They sit there talking for a while, then one of them goes to get some food. After she comes back we start to eat and I start talking to them.
Of the 2 I don't know it turns out one of them works a bar in Pattaya, the other one is not a working girl. The conversation turns round to Pattaya, and after a load of very sordid tales, I make some statement about safe sex then the Pattaya girl comes out with it..
"Right OK, thanks for the info" I reply.
"Really I HIV, I have"
"Right OK, so that's just great"
I look around the room for a friendly face; I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"She not lie, she have really."
I sit up and this point and look at her,
"OK, so you are HIV, for how long?"
"5 Years."
"What the fuck, get the fuck outta here! Fuckin 5 years!" "What is this shit?"
She then pulls out a box of pills and starts waving them in my face and in a slow voice say.
"Have, I have 5 year, I take drug, make me look not sick."
"But you work in bar? You still work in bar!"
She nods.
"You feel bad about this?"
"They can die."
"Sorry? What did you say?" Nearly falling off my chair at this statement.
"I will die and they can die too, same me."
"You don't care about that?"
"They can die."
At this point the 3 of them get up and walk to the door. As they go I ask,
"Others in the bar HIV?"
"Yes" she replied." "Many have."