For me the definition of a beautiful lb is one that passes as a stunning woman with almost no detection that the lb was once a man. The stunning lb's on this site are much more feminine and beautiful than many of the real Thai girls or Filipina girls.
Basically the Fantastic Four on this site are Chompoo, Nancy, SOm and Linly...they are perfect. Nancy being my favorite. I know most guys on this site prefer their lb's to retain some male traits but I like the ones that could fool anyone and the Fantastic Four could do just that. I would love to say that new lb magazine have the fantastic four on the cover.
Basically the Fantastic Four on this site are Chompoo, Nancy, SOm and Linly...they are perfect. Nancy being my favorite. I know most guys on this site prefer their lb's to retain some male traits but I like the ones that could fool anyone and the Fantastic Four could do just that. I would love to say that new lb magazine have the fantastic four on the cover.