Now to be gay,first you must,find members of the same sex as yourself attractive/appealing/sexually stimulating,and want/do have sex with them , is this correct?
Next, what defines a persons gender?
Is it the x/y Chroma factor?
Or what genitalia a person is born with?
One could argue that if someone is born with the one eyed bed snake then they are a bloke from then on regardless of how great the tits are nurtured/made or how convincing that hottie on the stage in cascades or similar fun establishment looks,hmmm well i still love em anyway...............on the other hand.........theres the third sex issue in se asia so mayby that throws the whole argument neither male or female so theres a get out, mayby you cant be gay? hmmm
Next, what defines a persons gender?
Is it the x/y Chroma factor?
Or what genitalia a person is born with?
One could argue that if someone is born with the one eyed bed snake then they are a bloke from then on regardless of how great the tits are nurtured/made or how convincing that hottie on the stage in cascades or similar fun establishment looks,hmmm well i still love em anyway...............on the other hand.........theres the third sex issue in se asia so mayby that throws the whole argument neither male or female so theres a get out, mayby you cant be gay? hmmm