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Sam winter - update!

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  • Sam winter - update!

    Sams Site...

    Kui and I are having dinner with our friend professor Winter tomorrow at some swanky hotel. (Yes, folks, before you ask - he's paying!)

    He has been commisioned by HBO to make a documentary and we'll be talking about other ongoing projects that he has for myself and Kui. (Research and web stuff, etc!)

    Apparently living a dull normal life with a ladyboy in the LOS is actually spectacularly interesting to some people! Those people need to get out more!

    I'll be trying to wangle in some plugs for our fine establishment while we are about it!

    More tomorrow!

  • #2
    Sam has a dream job!


    • #3
      Dull normal life my ass, what about 60 hours by week in contract administration with a bunch of idiots talking about cars & trucks and sports. Stogie bear, I just wish that one day we can have a few long necks together.

      see you soon in BKK

      PS:between Nov 04 TO MAR 05


      Lovelane [QUOTE]


      • #4
        Originally posted by (stogie bear @ Aug. 07 2004,14:32)
        (Yes, folks, before you ask - he's paying!)
        no surprise there.....the next [first?] time stogie reaches for a check he will probably pull a muscle


        • #5
          Well, we had dinner with the producer of the documentary, his secretary and Sam... (Anna's Cafe)

          The documentary should be wound up by about next March, but who knows when it will see air time.

          Actually it's a joint partnership with Channel Four of the UK, and the reason it get's finished by that time is because the viewing figures take a tumble in the UK soon after that!

          I'll give you more as I know it, but I'm not really going to share explicit details of the talk we had as I promised that I wouldn't.

          But the producer is determined to make a serious documentary and it's a 90 minuter too, so that should tell you something!

          I think he loved Kui and it's possible that she may see camera time. (It's equally possible that she's the last thing on his mind, too, but he did seem very impressed with Kui and how she handled herself. Especially the childhood anecdotes she came up with etc...)

          This isn't an Asian perspective and he's not in Asia for too much longer, but he will be going to ChangMai to see Ponlien and the Caberet show up there and to hopefully have a tour of the area...

          I don't think it's giving too much away to say that the producer will be focussing on the impact of transgenderism of a younger generation and he won't be dipping into stock footage of old blokes 'coming out' after failed marriages, etc!

          He comes into the project as an impartial and objective but enthusiastic professional, so I'll be interested to see his results next year. He's a long time veteran working with HBO and British telly.

          Previous attempts to do mainstream serious appraisals of 'our world' have had mixed results ranging from absolutely un-informed and distorted garbage to over-analytical academic nonsense...

          We had a great afternoon and I ate like a pig!  

          Incidentally I have offered the team our assistance should anything that they want to know specifics about, be otherwise hard to find information about.

          It's a shame our fearless leader wasn't in Bangkok at this time. There is a lot you could offer this project.

          Anna's Cafe, btw, has great food but abrupt service. Prices, as you would expect, are through the roof!


          • #6
            you let this guy know that the ATS team is behind this documentary 100% and we will do whatever we can to help; would love to see Pon and her friends on the tube!

            nice work, SB


            • #7
              Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Aug. 08 2004,15[img
    [/img]6)]you let this guy know that the ATS team is behind this   documentary 100% and we will do whatever we can to help;  would love to see Pon and her friends on the  tube!

              nice work, SB        
              Be careful JaiD, them's the same words Michael Jackson ("wakojacko" as s/he's called here in LA) told that BBC crew that made the infamous documentary about him.

              Just don't let Stogie get on camera saying it's ok to sleep in a bed with young boys.  
              Bring on the bitches!


              • #8
                Update -

                The producer of the documentary came round our house last night and then took us out for dinner. He's very taken with Kui and she is very much a part of his plans when he starts filming in October.

                Now - do we make poor Kui wear the baseball cap or the t-shirt!!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by
                  do we make poor Kui wear the baseball cap or the t-shirt!!!
                  See-through lace panties!

                  Baseball cap?? What are you talking about?
                  Mister Arse

