There was an air of expectation in the air at La Bamba last night.
Occasionally someone would ask me : "do you think she is still coming?"
She, being of course the mysterious fantasy figure of ATS . . . Naang Faa.
I could only smile & say "I guess so".
But in my heart I knew she had good reason not to & the fact that she even agreed to travel down from
the close comfort of her coven of ladyboys was due to my telling her that I hoped to help Sam with the opening of La Bamba.
An unpaid job, it's just what friends do.
And he even came good on that drink he promised.
I, along with many, many other BMs had pm'd Naang about something
& during correspondence had said let's catch up when I get to LOS.
She agreed, & then . . . nothing, I didn't hear from her.
She sent me a lovely pm explaining what happened & at that time Sam's invite to Pattaya arrived . . . at my urging of course.
I mean, after all, she owed me & it was the least she could do.
I was amazed to learn she had never met a BM, not even Stogie.
The day she arrived back from her 50 hour flight, completely jet-lagged, she agreed to attend.
Now the stakes were high because there would be more than just me to upset.
Naang's posts & a few private messages revealed she was struggling with her decision to confront so many BMs at once.
At lunch yesterday I told Sam of her nervousness.
"Sam" I said "she is really worried about this. She may not arrive."
But she did arrive & was welcomed by all.
Thank you Naang from the bottom of my heart.
You made the plunge to meet your fellow board members when you could have stayed hidden & mysterious forever.
It takes quite an occasion to have the 4 major LB sites all present at one function but such has been your impact
in the short time you have posted, I doubt we could have kept them away.
Occasionally someone would ask me : "do you think she is still coming?"
She, being of course the mysterious fantasy figure of ATS . . . Naang Faa.
I could only smile & say "I guess so".
But in my heart I knew she had good reason not to & the fact that she even agreed to travel down from
the close comfort of her coven of ladyboys was due to my telling her that I hoped to help Sam with the opening of La Bamba.
An unpaid job, it's just what friends do.
And he even came good on that drink he promised.
I, along with many, many other BMs had pm'd Naang about something
& during correspondence had said let's catch up when I get to LOS.
She agreed, & then . . . nothing, I didn't hear from her.
She sent me a lovely pm explaining what happened & at that time Sam's invite to Pattaya arrived . . . at my urging of course.
I mean, after all, she owed me & it was the least she could do.
I was amazed to learn she had never met a BM, not even Stogie.
The day she arrived back from her 50 hour flight, completely jet-lagged, she agreed to attend.
Now the stakes were high because there would be more than just me to upset.
Naang's posts & a few private messages revealed she was struggling with her decision to confront so many BMs at once.
At lunch yesterday I told Sam of her nervousness.
"Sam" I said "she is really worried about this. She may not arrive."
But she did arrive & was welcomed by all.
Thank you Naang from the bottom of my heart.
You made the plunge to meet your fellow board members when you could have stayed hidden & mysterious forever.
It takes quite an occasion to have the 4 major LB sites all present at one function but such has been your impact
in the short time you have posted, I doubt we could have kept them away.