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Danger for girls working overseas

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  • Danger for girls working overseas

    The last time I was in Bangkok I met up with a really nice GG. I was planning to spend short time with her but it wound up being around 3 or 4 days. At the risk of sounding naive there was a good personal connection. We did keep in touch by phone, SMS and email and 2 years later she still sends me SMS. I did make a small contribution to the sick buffalo fund but did not get sucked in too much.

    Not very long after I went home she told me that business in Bangkok was bad and she was feeling concerned. She had tried Koh Samui for a few weeks but that was also pretty quiet. She was under pressure, paying a mortgage on a farm she had bought for her parents up north. Now, she had found, through a friend, an €˜opportunity' to work in Malaysia.

    When she mentioned this Malaysian every cell in my body screamed €˜danger', €˜sex slavery', €˜confiscated passport' etc. I begged her not to go but she said €˜you no worry. My friend she say OK' This conversation when on for a while but I realised there was nothing I could do.

    A few days after she was due to fly I received a panic-stricken phone call to say she was in Austria not Malaysia! I found it hard to imagine how this happened but apparently her €˜friend' (€˜she say OK') was with her all the way to check-in and handled everything including tickets and boarding pass. My friend, despite being a bar-girl was a fairly innocent, trusting country girl.

    Anyway, my friend was on the plane thinking €˜this flight is a bit long isn't it?' and discovered that she was on her way to glorious Vienna.

    She wound up working as a domestic servant for a large family. It was an extended family of grandmothers, mothers-in-law, kids, grandkids, etc, etc. She worked from dawn to dusk, had her passport taken (of course), and was not allowed out of the house except when escorted by a big, muscle-bound guy, and did not know where she was apart from €˜somewhere in Austria'.

    She gave me a mobile phone number I could call her on. They had given her a cell phone so she could keep in touch with her family. I checked out the country code and area code and, sure enough, it was Austria. (Although no district code it being a cell phone).

    I asked her where the family was from and was told €˜I not know. Bodyguard guy told me but I forget'. (Don't you just love the Thai capacity for detail!)

    I was assuming that she was one step away from sex slavery and would shortly be moved to a brothel. But it did not work out like that.

    I was very worried about her. I know she was a bar-girl that I just knew for a few days but she was still a scared and lonely human being in big trouble.

    I had actually composed an email to the Thai Embassy in Vienna basically saying, "I want to inform you that one of your citizens has been kidnapped ... etc, etc". I told her about the email but she asked me not to send it because they had promised to send her home. I was a bit dubious but I held off.

    Apparently she became so unhappy, miserable and thin (on farang food which she disliked) and was constantly crying that eventually they put her on a plane to Thailand.

    As far as I know she landed in Bangkok with only the clothes she was wearing. She scraped together the bus fare to Chang Mai and got back to her family. Not long after she had a nasty motorbike accident which I am convinced was a product of her distressed state of mind from her Austrian experience.

    When I knew her she was an attractive, fashion-model-slim girl. She emailed me a post-Austria photo where she looked like an emaciated concentration camp survivor. She also sent me some photos of her standing in thick snow so I am convinced that her story was true.

    The bottom line is: tell any girl you know (lb/gg) to avoid at all costs work €˜opportunities' where €˜my friend she say OK' THEY MAY NOT COME BACK ALIVE. They will definitely come back, poorer, used and abused.

    To quote BB €˜lets be careful out there'.

  • #2
    You obviously have a good heart wisetraveller but i think you have to also look at it from another angle.

    Even though she came unstuck i dont see why these people should not work abroad if they want to. Its just natural to move on if your lifes fucked up in one place. There will always be sob stories but there will also be happier outcomes.

    There are a lot of Philipino GG Girls working in Hong Kong and they seem happy enough.

    People have to take some responsibility and if there stupid well thats tough luck. We cant look over everyones shoulder.


    • #3
      Normally I am with you Tomcat but in this case I think its a bit callous. She is lucky she didnt end up getting raped, abused, killed or sold into sex slavery. Having said that she probably got off lightly since she never made it to a cockroach Muslim infested country like Malasya-talk about intolerence!!


      • #4
        Hi Tomcat

        Thanks for reply. "There are a lot of Philipino GG Girls working in Hong Kong and they seem happy enough." Quote

        They are an entirely different kettle of fish. I have met several of them in Hong Kong. They CHOOSE to travel, under their own steam, to HK, find a job where they have normal work conditions, a day off per week, freedom of movement, and the right to catch a flight home if they want to.

        My friend was a prisioner. Her passport was confiscated, she could not go out unless guarded, and felt very scared and threatned. Not the same thing.

        I was not advocating that we reward stupidity (and my friend was pretty dumb) but trying to alert ATS members and their friends to the dangers of these so called 'opportunities'.




        • #5
          My Heart was unfortunately chiselled from the finest stone and my outlook in life is what you might call Darwinist when it comes to living on this planet. Its a good job that there are some caring souls out there to balance against the likes of my good self.

          I now in reflection must admit that my words were a touch unfeeling and probably due to a slight miserable hangover. Sorry for any offence .

          Take care



          • #6

            Interesting post. I know a Filipino GG who I met earlier this year in Manila. Spent about a week with her over the course of 2 visits. Very nice girl - real GFE! She told me she was going to travel this summer in search of better opportunities (and to escape to summer rainy season in manila). At first she said she would go to Cyprus, but apparently decided not too as the next email I got from her was that she was in Singapore. We were exchanging emails fairly regularly (2-3 x per week since Feb). Then she said she was going to Malaysia for 2-3 weeks before going back to Singapore, then to BKK, and then back to Manila (for the winter high season). After regular contact I have not heard from her since she said she was leaving for Malaysia. I am alittle concerned but really not much I can do. Your post just raised the concern alittle higher. Hope I hear from her soon.


            • #7

              It sounds like your friend has travelled a lot and so she is probably fairly clued in and able to take care of herself. My friend was straight off the rice paddys and very trusting and naieve.

              Good luck and hope your friend turns up ok.




              • #8

                I am stationed in KL ... need somebody to take care

                cheers ... KC


                • #9
                  Khun Chilli

                  thats pretty cool! Well done




                  • #10
                    No tomcat I wasnt offended just thought it was a bit callous. I tend to agree with YOU and your Darwinian feelings! But I was glad that this girl didnt get too deep in the shit!

