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Rita & Talisha

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  • Rita & Talisha

    Would it be possible to get them to be bottoms? I think both girls are extremely HAWT and I would love to fuck the hell out of them!

  • #2
    I seriously doubt you will get Talesha to bottom but money who knows, I know Rita will...............but what a waste

    Attached Files
    It's good to matter what the pay

    Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

    Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
    ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

    "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


    • #3
      Ahhhhhhhh love that Rita. I'm glad that she will at least bottom for me. (Given the right price) But... what a shame about Talisha. With a bottom like hers she should be a good bottom too. lol Well one out of two ain't bad


      • #4
        my first time w talisha, she only bottomed.

        the last 10 or so experiences w her, she doesnt allow me come close to her ass, at least with my dick. the tongue though ...


        • #5
          That makes me sad because talisha's a$$ is so perfect. Everytime I look it's like it's begging me to lol!

          But seriously I really did wish she bottomed. Oh well... I still have Rita though!


          • #6
            ive fucked both of them. no worrys at all hav.nt seen riuta for ages saw talisha in may still keen as mustard 016593728.
            go get her man
            just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


            • #7
              ...yeah, go for it man, if she's the one u really want to bottom make her an offer she 'can't refuse' .. what hav ya got to lose by asking?


              • #8
                she's not a good bottom. if you like to be the giver and also want a big dick go for rita. she is smaller than teresa cock-wise, but more versatile


                • #9
                  (olekunde @ Aug. 06 2006,18:05) she's not a good bottom. if you like to be the giver and also want a big dick go for rita. she is smaller than teresa cock-wise, but more versatile
                  funny how these girls differ from man to man customer to customer. i have allways found talisha to be a very receptive bottom, otherwize i wont take her.
                  infact i wont take any girl who wont do what i want. after all i am paying
                  just a sex tourist looking for hot fun

