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How to catch the girls on the to do list

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  • How to catch the girls on the to do list

    So I have this mouth-watering heart pounding line up all ready for next week. I've done all my research and have all my kinky scernarios ready and then what do I do when I get to the club and somebody else is already LT'ing MY sweet little baby? Yeah of course just go to the next on the list... but the real questions are (for NEP):

    1 What time do I have to show up at the bar to be first in line for the hot ticket?
    2 What time DO the 4 LB clubs open (NEP)?
    3 What happens when I can't find ANY on my line-up but see a really hot cutie, bar fine her and then find out she doesn't have quite enough of what I am looking for in her panties?... I mean no skeeter meat pls!

  • #2
    1 What time do I have to show up at the bar to be first in line for the hot ticket?


    2 What time DO the 4 LB clubs open (NEP)?
    19:00 (about)

    3 What happens when I can't find ANY on my line-up but see a really hot cutie, bar fine her and then find out she doesn't have quite enough of what I am looking for in her panties?...

    LOOK before you leap. Most people are happen to show you theirs if you ask nicely!


    • #3
      Also note that some of the Superstars have the ability to turn up when they want - you will not always find the top girls around at 18.30-19.00 hrs and often they take days off without warning anyone. I would suggest grabbing a bar stool at big dogs on the rail around 6pm and over a cold beer watch all the girls walking to work and then you can evaluate your stars as they go in and get some eye candy of one's who will never see on any websites (at least as full shoot models) - the forums will help as members often post pictures of girls who either do not want to do shoots, who have done them but they have not been loaded up yet, or maybe are not 'photogenic' enough to include on the site. Probably 30% of the girls in the LB bars have had photoshoots done on the main sites - that leaves about 70% who you will only discover by pacing round the bars.



      • #4
        at casanova even the superstar will show up at time. from what ive heard, they get 5b or so, taken from their salary each minute they are late after a specific time, or something in that vein.

        how the policy is in the other nana bars i dont know .. in kc3 i have the feeling the girls can come and go as they want ..


        • #5
          (olekunde @ Sep. 11 2006,22:48) at casanova even the superstar will show up at time.  from what ive heard, they get 5b or so, taken from their salary each minute they are late after a specific time, or something in that vein.

          how the policy is in the other nana bars i dont know .. in kc3 i have the feeling the girls can come and go as they want ..
          KC3 has a lot of freelancers (ie no salary) LB's in the bar which probably accounts for that situation - Jay is a classic example of that.

          Obsession - certainly the high rollers come in when they want and often you wont see some of the more 'established' stars rolling in until 9pm. No idea if they get pay docked or not - presume they consider it a minor irritation at best - given that their salary is likely to be equivalent to 2 nights equivalent income for some of the bigger stars.

          Not sure about the other bars.



          • #6
            So many times I made lists and plans before I got too LOS But now I know best thing is not to make any plans..
            So many Ladyboys so little time..


            • #7
              BEWARE-"One man's cake is another man's brocholi" (or some old saying like that). Meaning: what one man likes in a ladyboy, you may not like.

              I just about always go with a list and photos of the stars of the LB bars and I usualy find most of them. However, almost always, I do not have the great time with them that some other person had. My best LBs have been ones that I found on my own. I will probably continue to make my lists of the ones that I want but my expectations are not very high like they used to be.


              • #8
                You got your game plan set but you might want to call an audible at the line of scrimage.


                • #9
                  It is ok to have a to do list with some phone numbers etc. Quite often though the reality is lot different from the fantasy and the best thing to do is just go into the bars and get a feeling from the girls and see if you actually have any chemistry with them.

                  Most will let you see what they are packing especially in the Nana bars. However if you do get a look and a feel then make sure you at least give her a drink in return.

                  Just go with the flow and don't be too hung up on doing the girls on the list unless you actually feel like you will get what you pay for.


                  • #10
                    (69billy @ Sep. 12 2006,01:45) So many times I made lists and plans before I got too LOS But now I know best thing is not to make any plans..
                    Well said Billy. For me, the main reason why any list I make flies out the window is that every time you go(even a few months after your previous trip) is that you will find the bars stocked with new girls. I've been in love with Film since day 1, when I saw her back in December 2005. However, I've never taken her despite going to LOS 3 times this year and probably spending a combined total of 40+ days there because some other girl I haven't seen before has caught my fancy. The number of new stunners populating the bars is just mind-boggling. As soon as you step in the door of Obsessions, even Cascades, and to some extent the other 2 LB bars you will forget who you came to see originally!
                    I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!

