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Talisha and Bettina

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  • Talisha and Bettina

    Does anybody know if Talisha and Bettina have every been together??? And if they have would they enjoy a third party???

  • #2
    (danny425 @ Oct. 21 2006,03:38) Does anybody know if Talisha and Bettina have every been together??? And if they have would they enjoy a third party???
    Talisha is definitely up for a 3 some. I've been with her once and she asked if she could come back the next night with her friend. Don't remember her friends names but it was one of the big cock LB's from her bar. In her words "You fuck she , I fuck you!". Didn't take her up on her offer.


    • #3
      i had them as a double 2years ago when they were both working in casanova
      good tag team as they say
      cheeers donnnnny
      just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


      • #4
        Good for you Donnnny you Da Man....ive had them apart but dont think I could take the two of them at the same time.....Hummm the more I think of this the more I want to give it a try next time I am in BKK


        • #5
          neither of them fucked me mate but i did fuck both of them and they both shot all over my eager face
          just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


          • #6
            (TopDog @ Oct. 21 2006,21:10)
            (danny425 @ Oct. 21 2006,03:38) Does anybody know if Talisha and Bettina have every been together??? And if they have would they enjoy a third party???
            Talisha is definitely up for a 3 some.  I've been with her once and she asked if she could come back the next night with her friend.  Don't remember her friends names but it was one of the big cock LB's from her bar.  In her words "You fuck she , I fuck you!".  Didn't take her up on her offer.
            It very possibly could have been Jessica that she was wanting to bring back with her. They are supposedly best of friends. IMO, Jessica isn't really attractive, though some guys like her, but she is more well hung than Talisha.


            • #7
              emm ... I did luv Jessica .... great tattoo on her back .... looks cool to squirt on it .... for me she doesnt look so bad .... and greatest times with Bettina .... maybe because I know her when I was with JaiDee at Cassanova


              • #8
                Jesssica should spend some of her considerable earnings and get her teeth fixed. She has a very interesting collection of pictures on her mobile. Ask her to show you sometime. In fact many of you will already be on it.


                • #9
                  Guys and Dolls

                  ANY PHOTO OF THEM... (by the way) so that we have an OPINION.............

                  Diablo Le Greg

