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Making contact with Ladyboys

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  • Making contact with Ladyboys

    I'm fairly new to here and don't know the ropes yet.

    Where is the best place to make contact with some Ladyboys to get to know them and arrange holiday visits ?

    I did have contact with one through a webcam site but my visit didn't turn out that well as when I arrived she informed me that she had a b/f after claiming not to have one

  • #2
    The problem lies in the fact that many of the LB'S are a bit leary about pre-visit contact as in the past they have been burned by guys who make big promises and then fail to deliver.
    Should you wish to contact a few of them, please try to keep it at a minimum, look closely at the models and see which ones appeal to you. As for contact information and any feedback from members who might have knowledge about the particular LB's and go from there. Send them an initial e-mail and introduce yourself. Be upfront with them, as I said they have played this game before, and tell them what you would like. Ask for a mobile number and call them, get to know them a little bit and then you can decide if heading off on a holiday with one of them is for you.
    I'm sure others will offer their advice, take it all in and see what works best for you. Or you could just say "screw it" come to Bangkok and head right away your first night to Nana and go crazy. I have done both and had the time of my life.


    • #3
      Where is the best place to make contact with some Ladyboys to get to know them and arrange holiday visits ?
      Why would you want to do this? It's almost ALWAYS going to end in disappointment.

      Come to Bangkok/Pattaya/Phuket/Chiangmai etc, go to a ladyboy bar, choose one you like, chat for a bit. feel the vibe, reject and move on or fuck like a rabbit.

      Arranging visits for sex at some distant point in the future yet to be decided from people on webcam sites has a one in 200 chance of success and meeting then live in a bar where you can get to know them has a 90% chance of success.

      Don't plan... DO!


      • #4
        stogie do you ever feel like an Lp that needs a bang to get it going again?? he--------------p he------------------p hee----------------------p
        never ending i tell ye
        just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


        • #5
          Thanks guys for the replies so far.

          Does taking full membership of this site give you access to the models email addresses, and do you guys recommend taking membership.

          Im not really the bar type thats why I was looking to go down this route but I admit its a long shot


          • #6
            By all means, join the site...more beautiful babes than you can shake your dick at...

            Moreover, trust the advice of these guys...some of these guys have been going to LOS for over 20 years and some of them live there...Unfortunately not me...

            And when they tell you that making arrangements ahead almost always ends in disaster, believe them...You'll likely pay more and enjoy less...

            I'm not a bar person either, but I truly love these shit-pits.  There are 100 + girls at Nana (most of whom have never heard of ATS) on any one evening...You'll find a new one to fall in love with every five minutes...
            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


            • #7
              (kahuna @ Oct. 29 2006,17:01) I'm not a bar person either, but I truly love these shit-pits.  There are 100 + girls at Nana (most of whom have never heard of ATS) on any one evening...You'll find a new one to fall in love with every five minutes...
              Wise words.

              I too love the shitpits, but we only get to see them 4 times a year!

              I guess they would get on your nerves if you were there every night.

              Trev 999- Join the site- you will see a small proportion of the models who are available in Thailand, and as a paying member I am sure there are contacts available for most of the (current) models.
              seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


              • #8
                Hey Trev, Unless you're a famous person that can't be seen in the bars, I would avoid pre-contact.  While pre-contact migh have merit if you're going to Bali or the PI or Brazil, it's counter productive in Thailand.

                Even if you're not a bar type of guy!    

                I recommend membership for different reasons.


                • #9
                  Go to Cascades and you just might become a bar person.

