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LB Jacky...Complete and total CUTIE:)

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  • LB Jacky...Complete and total CUTIE:)

    I've been crushing on her for a couple of years but we never actually met until last Saturday evening...
    Ya know how sometimes U have a fantasy...but then the reality turns out to be disappointing at best...
    This gurl blew away all my expectations...She smiles and laughs and enjoys holy hell out of anything having to do with sex and orgasms...I'm in LOVE
    She is now 27 but in her younger days she starred in a few vids for "Franks" and "Ladyboy X" I think...had braces on her teeth back then...
    U can Google: ladyboy Jacky and prob see 3-4 of her vids...
    Anyway...we had chatted back and forth on Thai Friendly for almost a year but our schedules just never synched...
    Then last Saturday night the stars aligned and she came to C me in my Lohas Studio on a kinda rainy night...
    HaHa...I guess I should tell U her TF "handle" is: PSJacky
    She's a VERY "girl next door type"...very feminine,likes to wear little floral jump-suits and smells like heaven in her Dior perfume...WOW!
    Excellent English...1000 watt smile and the most natural LB boobs I've ever seen...Holy Shit Batman
    We had a superb visit and I think I invited her to Chicago 6-7 times...LOL!
    She says she takes hormones but her 6 incher was hard for 2 hours and when she came...well it was quite a mess...almost up to her chin...of course she laughed about that!
    Not shy or timid...she hung around with me naked eating bananas and Mars bars...soooooooooooo fucking cute
    She's the real deal guys...HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jacky3.jpg jacky1.jpg jacky2.jpg

  • #2
    Wow that sounds like a great one!

