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Where do Femboys hang out?

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  • Where do Femboys hang out?

    Im convinced after looking through the Femboys pics.....but where do you find thses fine specimens

  • #2
    I go to Sunee Plaza in Pattaya because I have my regular troupe of femboys who I know and who know me. But I'm going to widen my horizons (and bottoms) in Jomtiem the next time I go as I'm sure there are some naughty little femboys out there who want to play 'dress up' for the 'Stogie-Cam!'

    I'd be interested if anyone has any places either in Pattaya, Bangkok or elsewhere that I should know about...


    • #3
      (stogie bear @ Oct. 13 2007,11:11) I'm sure there are some naughty little femboys out there who want to play 'dress up' for the 'Stogie-Cam!'

      more FB's like Kwang please....

      :sighs: oh Kwang...... :sighs
      I've made kathylc  


      • #4
        (stogie bear @ Oct. 13 2007,04:11) Jomtiem

        Sally's Soi 5 and Toto/LuLu Bar Soi Whitehouse for a few ladyboys.

         area is called Jomtien Complex which is on the right side about a football field before the baht bus turns left along the beach.

        There is/was a cabaret show, Star Treff, where the peformers are titless crossdressers.

        Jomtien Complex is not a group of bars like NEP but rather an area like the Day/Night area of Pattaya.


        • #5
          (PigDogg @ Oct. 13 2007,15:54) There is/was a cabaret show, Star Treff, where the peformers are titless crossdressers.
          Yummy!!! Just how I like 'em

          (PigDogg @ Oct. 13 2007,15:54) Jomtien Complex is not a group of bars like NEP but rather an area like the Day/Night area of Pattaya.
          Is that up and running now?

          Last time I was there there was a dive shop (which moved across the road), a hairdressers, a Thai arty/crafty type place on the corner, a Japenese painter, one proper bar (but no girls), one ST bar (door half bricked up) and 2-3 'silly' little bars. The escalators didn't work and looked like they never did nor ever will, and absolutley nothing upstairs.

          Is it worth a re-visit?
          I've made kathylc  


          • #6
            Is it worth a re-visit?
            I'll let you know in a few days...


            • #7
              (Monkey @ Oct. 13 2007,12:47) The escalators didn't work and looked like they never did nor ever will, and absolutley nothing upstairs.
              Ha, the escalators didn't work a couple years ago either.

              I'm refering to the group of sois near that building as Jomtien Complex but perhaps that's the name of that particular building, I dunno.

              What I like best in that area is the Thai Blind Massage Institute.  They have both air con and properly fan cooled rooms. For massage I don't like being cold and appreciate the fan room cause it's the right tempeture for me.

              Stogie, Don't get your hopes up,; not too much going on there but then again you only need to find one diamond in the rough.

              There is also a "  beach" in Jomtien.   If you walk right along the pedestrian walk where the bus turns left when it hits the beach and then walk around half a kilo you get to it.  Wandering boyz may make them selves available but most will not be our type.

              There is (or maybe was cause the real estate is valuable) a small guesthouse named Tui's which was a nice place to stay cause it's one of the few places in Pattaya or Jomtien that's right on the beach as opposed to being accoss the street from the beach and was a reasonable 1000 baht for a room with a balcony overlooking the beach.  Good food too.  Downside is isolated at night (wandring boyz and soi dogs).

              For those of you whho lke to shot pool LuLu's has 3 pool tables and Sally's pool table is free.  LuLu's is either what would be Soi 7, Soi 7/1 or Soi 8.


              • #8
                Thanks for the updates... I'll go exploring there soon!


                • #9
                  it's a bit of a hike, but femboy lovers might want to journey to samui for a week. i wasn't even looking for femboys, being (i thought!) more of a ladyboy lover, but circumstances prevailed and i found the first beauty who accosted me from her motorbike on the beach road in chaweng was a tall, slim drink of water who works 'staff' at christie's cabaret and loved to love me all night for 1000 baht (if not the 'going' rate for an all-niter, it was at least the rate i always paid and never received a complaint. though i also paid a 300thb barfine in lamai). no tits. no fat. no hormones. lots of power. that sexy femboy face, and once the wig came off, surprise surprise, she could have entered the stogie hall of fame!! her name is "Lynn" for those who keep track, but there are more where she came from.
                  Then to lamai beach, which i prefer, and was totally shocked at the available fare. at rat bar#3 a little hard-assed babe named kai and at the other end of the beach road an equally firm, more feminine, thinner version in a beauty named "may" at friendship bar.
                  both very horny and reasonable enough english. all meeting the above-listed pre-requisites of femboy-ness
                  there are also plenty of gg's for a change of pace, but i honestly believe the cutest girls on this island are the femboys. at least, after almost two weeks, that's IMHO.
                  but now, back to pattaya...though to samui i shall certainly return.


                  • #10
                    (stogie bear @ Oct. 13 2007,22:42)
                    Is it worth a re-visit?
                    I'll let you know in a few days...
                    I've made kathylc  


                    • #11
                      ...and Jomtiem doesn't have much to offer in the way of a femboy menu.

                      Also there are no ladyboys working at 'Sallys Bar' at least when I went there at 9PM on Saturday.

                      I walked up and down the streets for an hour or so and got the bus back to Kaos!


                      • #12
                        Im spreading my wings for a few nights and heading to Jomtien also during my trip, just to get away from the norm in Pattaya

