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Lyla obsessions

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  • #16
    Giving out numbers also has a habit of backfiring on the community spirited poster sometimes.


    • #17
      (ozzie @ Jan. 30 2008,00:46) They do not want to be annoyed by some fantasy driven guy on the other side of the world which I completely understand.

      If your "NOT" in town most of the girls WONT want you phoning them
      What's the piont
      Your got yer Mother in a whirl
      Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


      • #18
        Tender love is Blind, It require's a Dedication
        Lose the apostrophe, mate.


        • #19
          (ozzie @ Jan. 30 2008,08:46)
          (rick @ Jan. 30 2008,05:34) Who the hell are we to decide wether the girls wants calls from mongers? Most of the girls can´t post their number on the internet for various reasons.

          Night owl, if i wouldn´t have knocked over a coffee on my phone today ( it´s dead), i would have posted the number.
          Given I have been asked by many girls not to give out their numbers unless the punter is in town. That is exactly what I am doing. So Rick I assume you will not be asking me for any numbers then as if you will post them on the board for anyone I shall not be forthcoming with any.

          They do not want to be annoyed by some fantasy driven guy on the other side of the world which I completely understand.

          If they ask specifically not to have it posted i agree. But i´m not too sure about how many asks that. I´ll ask Lyla today her take on this.
          Btw, can you bluetooth me your your phonebook when we meet?
          Buying a new phone today and need numbers.


          • #20
            i´m not too sure about how many asks that.
            Many ask that, Rick.

            they dont want calls from people who may or may not see them.
            seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


            • #21
              My experience is that most don't ask for this privacy but soon wish they had!


              • #22
                Still one of the best ladyboys ever in my humble opinion ...... don't care if she is a liar, they all are; she is sexy, smart as a whip, fun to be with, makes me laugh all the time....did I mention sexy and also smart??   kinda rare...... many are either one or the other.

                Lyla         081-431-5377
                [email protected]

                     just got a letter from her 3 days ago, so this address is still working and she checks it often.

                            as for whether or not ladyboys want to be contacted, as usual something has to be in it for them;  fone calls are one thing and they will probably accept as many calls as you want to make, as long as somewhere along the line they hear "I am coming there to take you out soon"   or "I am wiring {X} amount of dollars to your bank account today".   But just calling to chit-chat and saying "man, your pics look great, I can't come to Thailand for 2 or 3 more years but maybe then we can hook up" ain't gonna keep 'em interested for long.

                 same with e-mails......many still don't have computers in their crappy apartments [although the smart ones who don't do Ice usually do], so they don't want to sit at some internet cafe terminal wasting their baht on "fan" mail from guys who never will come see them. They want direct, to-the-point letters with "I am coming to   BKK on  March 1, can I take you out for a few nights?" and not  "I saw your photo's on XXX website and you look great!  I am married with 3 kids and live in Wisconsin so I can never come to Thailand,  but I just wanted to tell you that;  can we stay in contact?"

                     This is where I think other websites drop the ball by posting contact info;  the girls get more pointless letters than good ones and waste their time with dreamers they will never meet.   As usual, the best plan going to Thailand is NO plan, and no contact before-hand; that has ruined more trips than it has helped!

                  Lyla may be an exception....if she is free and can meet, DO set that up, she is a great girl in all ways
                Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                -Dennis Miller


                • #23
                  (night owl @ Jan. 30 2008,01:19)
                  (ozzie @ Dec. 13 2007,12:15) I PM'ed you her number

                  Hi Ozzie and Jaime, any chance of Lylas tel no please. I looked for her in Obsessions twice but first time I was told she had been barfined. Second time the irresistible Anny appeared and I was weak willed. Appreciate your help. Rgds
                  Hi Ozzie, I never got that number but thanks anyway...maybe next time. I was in Bangkok until last Friday ( Feb 15th ) Back now in freezing cold Frankfurt where Im based. Minus 8 oC at night and just nudging the freezing point during the day Do you live in Bangkok? Maybe I saw you at the Guess Bar and never knew. Ok regards mate


                  • #24
                    had a great time with Lyla in December,
                    and she seemed happy enough about how i had got her number,
                    So once again thanks to both Ozzie and MonkeyMan for the numbers they provided me with,
                    and cant wait for the end of march for the fun to begin again

