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Natalie, August 2006

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  • Natalie, August 2006

    Sorry guys, I read this site all the time, but I usually do not have much to contribute. I can tell you that I have learned much about you guys thought. I do not make it a practice to search out any certain LB when I get there but this time I would like to. I would like to know if anyone has any information on finding Natalie, I think formally from Obsessions and ATS Ladyboy, August 2006. Can someone help me get the information I am seeking?

    Thank you in advance.

  • #2
    If you mean this Natalie, it seems she may be retired from the p4p business as per an old post.

    Natalie from Obessesions retired?

    There may be a board member who has contact information for her, but if she is retired, don't hope too much.

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    • #3
      Natale is retired, she work as Make Up Artist and have a Boyfriend from Switzerland.


      • #4
        Thanks for the heads up guys, I don't usually have high hopes about anyone. But I was interested. I just take them as them come. Thanks again

