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Filipina Kamilla

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  • #16
    (ooo @ Nov. 30 2007,13:28) Thank you guys. Would never pay that rate with a GG.

    I will select some girls from the site and request contact info and explain to the girl exactly what I need.

    Thank you.
    Or, as already said, go to the Guess Bar - perfect for beginners
    Mister Arse


    • #17
      (ooo @ Nov. 29 2007,22:41) She is currently visiting Bangkok. Am very tempted to put her cock in my mouth but does anyone here know her and have any feedback?
      "~~>>No one should be GODDESS because in an arena where the most Pressured and Stressed Out People are the men we serve....they are the ones who deserved to be treated with a thunderous reception and wonderful company in the guise of a truly gifted woMAN like MEH....intellectual, striving to be COSMETICALLY PERFECT and a TRULY FIT BEING with the RIGHT NUTRITION, MAINTENANCE and CARE...

      Homosexuals,Shemales,ladyboys,pre-op,transvestite We must all remember our adage....PERFECTION is the highest PODIUM we must ACHIEVE...whether COSMETICALLY or MEDICALLY achieved...we must never ALLOW IN STAGNATION and becoming OLD FAT women ....

      ~~~>>The Essence of Homosexuals is to be PRETTIER than WOMAN...and it truly is!! "

      Dude this is the ramblings straight from her website

      I'd being staying well clear of this one


      A worthy trip report


      • #18
        (Stewart @ Nov. 30 2007,23:35)
        She doesn't look so bad does she? Perhaps my LB tastes are yet to properly develop. If anyone knows of hotter, hung LBs who could offer me a similar arrangement please let me know.
        I think the guys are more concerned about you paying 3000 ST, rather than personal taste about whether you think she is hot or not

        I suggest you pick 2 or 3 of your favorites from the site, ask people to PM you their phone number, and ANY girl will visit you discretely for probably half the price.
        i second the motion....after all if one LB asks 200 baht im sure she would get besieged and receive all kinds of applause...
        My Facebook
        PHILIPPINES: +639153569810


        • #19


          • #20
            she looks old and past it to mee 3000 for a short time is huge money,and you for one should know that, especially as you live there> ming on the other hand gladly went with me for 1000 short time with no talk,of how long she would stay.
            each to there own i would say and if you have to have her then just go with the flow and see howe it goes. ps feel free to post again when you,have done the deed
            ps kahuna is an expert on pi ladyboys
            just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


            • #21
              available all for fetishes u wanted (pooh,peeing,rimming,golden

              so you can shit on her face if you like.... that alone be worth the 3000 baht

