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Chiang Mai Conections

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  • Chiang Mai Conections

    Hi Again everyone

    In Chiang Mai next week for a few days does anyone have any recomendations for LB in Chiang Mai with contact numbers etc.

    Have been before and have visited Marina Bar and intend to go back but would like to make contact from Aus before I go next week any assistance would be appreciated.

    Jane comes to mind as an option!

    Many thanks

  • #2
    check the search function will give a few bars and streets to check........also would recommend trying to visit the Cabaret Shows and meet the girls after they come out from the show at the end.,  you're really a guy?..............  


    • #3
      (bowmaf1 @ Oct. 10 2007,18:20) Hi Again everyone

      In Chiang Mai next week for a few days does anyone have any recomendations for LB in Chiang Mai with contact numbers etc.

      Have been before and have visited Marina Bar and intend to go back but would like to make contact from Aus before I go next week any assistance would be appreciated.

      Jane comes to mind as an option!

      Many thanks
      Never been myself but would appreciate any feedback from you on Chiang Mai  and where to go as I will be going there myself on the 29th Oct for a few days with my g/f in tow

      Have fun
      Your got yer Mother in a whirl
      Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


      • #4
        well i was there in april...have to say you find the best looking on "loi khroo" they were quite nice...(if you start walking from the old city and towards the will meet them after about 2-300 meters but first from about 10pm..)
        else there is only marina bar and the caberats...
        all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read


        • #5
          Thanks everyone for your input, I have a pretty good idea of where i am going . Just thought there might be something special I have missed

          I will try to get back with a chiang mai trip report



          PS will be at Guess 29.30 and 31 Oct

          See you all there I hope


          • #6
            Based on my last couple of visits to Chiang Mai, I found that some of the best talent around could be found in the way of streetwalkers on Loy Kroh Road.  The people in Chiang Mai are the friendliest around, and this is also the case with the streetwalkers I've met.  I'm not suggesting you don't take precautions, but in general terms they are a really nice bunch.  Many of the streetwalkers will offer their services for around 500 Baht, and that's before you even attempt to negotiate.

            There are plenty of short time hotels around, and the LB's know were they are located and will lead the way.

            I met one streetwalker by the name of Beer aka May.
            Her number was 08-6851-2328
            Was a real sweetheart, and have bumped into her a couple of times since, and she always remembers my name and says hello.

            Attached Files
            Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


            • #7
              The Peak is a rock climbing wall in the heart of Chiang Mai's night Bazaar, located on Changklan Road.  In the vicinity is a whole host of beer bars, one of which was called the "Shu Shu Bar", the place where I met a very cute LB (by Chiang Mai standards) named Jenny.

              Jenny's number is 08-9613-2951

              Attached Files
              Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


              • #8
                The Simon Cabaret is another great option to hook up with some real sweet ladyboys. A few years ago I met the gorgeous Daisy there, and whilst she has now reportedly moved on, there is always new talent joining the group.

                Simon Chiang Mai
                177 G Building, 1st Floor, Chang Peuak Rd.
                T. Sriphoom, A. Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 Thailand.
                Tel: +66 (0) 5341 0321 to 3 Fax: +66 (0) 5341 0320

                Here's an old photo of the lovely Daisy.
                Attached Files
                Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                • #9
                  The Marina Bar is located inside the Chiang Mai Entertainment Centre. This centre contains some thirty bars with pool tables, loud music and local girls. There is a Thai boxing exhibition at 9.00 and a ladyboy cabaret at 10.30 every night. Located at 96-98 Loi Kroh Road.

                  Some of the cabaret girls that were performing...
                  Attached Files
                  Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                  • #10
                    Marina Bar has always been regarded as a fun place to relax and enjoy a few beers although the talent has been variable at best. Nevertheless, if your timing is right potentially there is scope to meet some fuckable LB's there.

                    Take exhibit 'A' as an example.....
                    Attached Files
                    Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                    • #11
                      and exhibit 'B'.....

                      Next time you start complaining because they served you a drink in Guess Bar and forgot to give you a drink coaster, may I suggest a couple of nights at the Marina Bar.
                      Attached Files
                      Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                      • #12
                        How about some ladyboy massage ?

                        Bohemia said;
                        My best discovery was Suk Sabai massage located near the south east corner of the moat wall, same road as the one bordering Pantip Plaza at the end of the night market.  One night I was just wandering around and saw a good looking ladyboy sitting in a chair outside the parlor.  I made a note and returned a few days later.  Turns out she owns the place, financed by her savings fron being a top Casanova ladyboy.  She was known as Christina in those Bangkok days.  Now she calls herself Aeo.  We were alone in the place and I asked for a two hour massage at 250 or 300 baht.  So in essence this is a ladyboy massage place.  She put alot of money into the place, with a nice lobby and air conditioned upstairs massage area.  She speaks excellent English and has a treasure trove of stories as one of the top barfines in the history of Casanova.
                        Koykaeng said;
                        Have never been to this place myself, however based on the information that Bohemia provided, the place has to be located on Sri Donchai Road.  Pantip Plaza is on the corner of Changklan Road & Sri Donchai Roads. Have you followed Sri Donchai all the way until you reach the moat wall, as thats the location assuming it's still there ?  Hope that helps !
                        Then forum member Pratu came through with this gem of information;

                        Suk Sabai 45/5 Sridonchai Rd. Tel 089-9507826

                        Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                        • #13
                          I was in ChiangMai one year ago..Oct 2006....stayed at a low cost guest house I could walk to the night market, entertainment center, Loy Kroh Street (400meters), and was surprised by the 500BT short time rate.......I always gave more. If I hadn't been there specifically to meet a "friend".....I would have hit the cabaret and spent more time with Loy Kroh girls......there are definately a few gems to be found.......I rented a motor bike for a few days and it was easy to navigate the ChiangMai streets .
                ,  you're really a guy?..............  


                          • #14
                            (bowmaf1 @ Oct. 11 2007,10:45) PS will be at Guess 29.30 and 31 Oct

                            See you all there I hope
                            Shame I would have just missed you for a bowmaf as I arrive in Chiang Mai on the 29th , booked into a Deluxe "loom" at the Raming Lodge Hotel
                            Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                            Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                            • #15
                              Hello Dave,

                              Like Divertwo said rent a motorbike for a couple of days to get around in and near the old city.

                              The traffic inside the old city is next to nothing.  Outside the ring road is no problem.
                              It's only the ring road just outside the old city walls which is a bit crazy  -  but it's no worse than Manchester and after the first couple of times you will get the hang of it.

                              Night time use the Songtheaw (song-che-ow) to get around.  20 Baht for Thai's and 30-40 for falangs  
                              Get Am to pay  -  she should be able to pay 20 Baht each  

                              You might find like us that your hotel receptionist is a ladyboy!

                              Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                              "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."

