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where or how can i find areeya?

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  • where or how can i find areeya?

    hei everybody!!

    im coming to the islands of thailand in november

    please help me contact areeya

    im so into her

  • #2
    from News, Views and Ladyboys.

    Welcome to ATS Forums, please read the forum guidelines so you know how things work around here!

    At last report Areeya was in a happy relationship with her Canadian boyfriend for the past several months. She spends her time between Bangkok and Phuket, and as far as has been heard, is not "dating" anymore.

    There are still plenty of other lovely lbs in Thailand, so don't get hung up on trying to meet a particular lady.

    Also, please don't post photos form other competing websites - here is another photo of Areeya not from a competing site.

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    • #3
      I'm headed there too, so any suggestions as to good hotels and hotels to stay away from, and/cities other than Bangkok would be much appreciated.  Where is the best place to spend my time for meeting girls (LB's) and can I easily meet girls if I stay in Phucket or Pattaya?  It seems like the most girls are in Bangkok, but that there are some of the really pretty girls in some other areas too.  Is Bangkok worth doing my whole time in Thailand?  And is it easy to just get to these other places on the spur of the moment?  Without advanced plans...

      Would I be better off contacting girls here via email, to try to connect?  Or should I wait to see the wonders of the girls in the bars and just go with who luck brings me?  There are so many beautiful girls on this site, but I would imagine that these are in a special category.

      Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.  I don't expect this to be my first trip, but I only have about 5 days, so I want those days to be the best.  Thank you.

      Lastly, any thoughts on safety?


      • #4
        (biggie4u @ Sep. 02 2007,04:03) I'm headed there too, so any suggestions
        Yep..I suggest that you follow Rxpharm's advice to the OP...READ FIRST...your questions have been asked and answered many times...After you have read the New Members guidelines and the Travel Info Forum, if you still have specific questions, ask away in the New Members Forum and experienced guys will reply...
        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


        • #5
          I chopped up Areeya and put all the bits in heavy duty black bin liners. I know it was wrong but my hand slipped with the axe. Oh well...


          • #6
            (biggie4u @ Sep. 02 2007,03:03) I'm headed there too, so any suggestions as to good hotels and hotels to stay away from, and/cities other than Bangkok would be much appreciated.  Where is the best place to spend my time for meeting girls (LB's) and can I easily meet girls if I stay in Phucket or Pattaya?  It seems like the most girls are in Bangkok, but that there are some of the really pretty girls in some other areas too.  Is Bangkok worth doing my whole time in Thailand?  And is it easy to just get to these other places on the spur of the moment?  Without advanced plans...

            Would I be better off contacting girls here via email, to try to connect?  Or should I wait to see the wonders of the girls in the bars and just go with who luck brings me?  There are so many beautiful girls on this site, but I would imagine that these are in a special category.

            Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.  I don't expect this to be my first trip, but I only have about 5 days, so I want those days to be the best.  Thank you.

            Lastly, any thoughts on safety?
            Just guessing here but you haven't fucking bothered to even read this forum, have you?


            • #7
              (biggie4u @ Sep. 01 2007,10:03) Would I be better off contacting girls here via email, to try to connect?
              NO no no...did I mention No?
    ,  you're really a guy?..............  


              • #8
                Yes, you did!

