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Cute Girl

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  • #61
    She was on face-pic:

    but has cleansed her page. I assume she does not want to offend any current sponsor(s)?

    I'd suggest that the OP might be jeopardizing her current income stream(s) by posting here as one of her sponsor(s) might be reading? But then if she asked for the posting she may just be looking for some local friendship, or supplemental foreign currency.

    I know a few girls who have foreign sponsors and do not hook on the sly. They are however human and have physical needs. For someone who can be discreet these gals can be wonderful friends, or so I have heard.


    • #62
      I met her a few years back - 2003 - when she was working in the travel agents in Pattaya. She was not an executive but simply a girl working in the front office of a travel agent, sure she was not earning much. At that time she had a sponsor from Scandanavia and she was not interested in sex with anyone else. She was very nice then and seems to have matured into an even nicer looking girl.

      I got the impression she would be loyal to the right guy. Not sure why it would matter that she has more than one job - hell how many in the West maintain more than one job to make ends meet?

      Good luck to her and anyone who manages to bed her.


      • #63
        Surprising model behaving like bitch, undercoverage of travel office. She spends most of time chatting and trying to find customers, and lies like nobody before.... her major sponsor will not keep her for long time....


        • #64
          (TRANSLOVER @ Oct. 31 2007,08:07) Surprising model behaving like bitch, undercoverage of travel office. She spends most of time chatting and trying to find customers, and lies like nobody before.... her major sponsor will not keep her for long time....    
          You sound like a jilted lover or sponsor


          • #65
            Ozzie you are right wish to love her Never to sponsor....much too nasty


            • #66
              @ Translover-

              Do you actually know this girl? If so what was your horrible experience that leads you to speak so nasty about her? You seem to be the only person here to speak with such vehement venom.
              "The Ladyboy Collection- start yours today!"


              • #67
                Hi Socrate . I know her a little bit, and what i discover doesn't give me the envy to know more about here. She is the worst lier i ever talk to. Perhaps she is addicted to narcotics, or to alcohol. But really nasty..... and cyclothymic . Hope you have a nice experience with her... let me have some doubt .


                • #68
                  do you think?? will have some people to love Ladyboy ?


                  • #69
                    (Socrates999 @ Nov. 05 2007,18:26) @ Translover-

                    Do you actually know this girl? If so what was your horrible experience that leads you to speak so nasty about her? You seem to be the only person here to speak with such vehement venom.
                    He aint speaking nasty about her , he's just telling it like it is, I had her sussed out weeks ago as a greedy conniving two faced bitch , would trust her as far as I could kick her
                    It's never okay for men to cry! You know who cries? Girls. And little babies. And little baby girls.

