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Nancy / Mint

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  • #16

    I actually met up with nancy and a couple of her friends on two seperate occasions. I knew she was in Thailand and sent her an sms to let me know if she was going to be in Pattaya. She responded with a reply whilst I was out one night saying if I was in Pattaya. I met up with her and she looked smoking hot.

    Nancy has been of one my many fantasies and we had a chat for a few hours.

    I paid for their drinks which I did not mind at the rime as I was glad to finally meet my fantasy lb.

    She then suggested we go to a club. The club was a gay club and at first I thought what a club full of of topless thai guys, not exactly my cup of tea but had to do it simply just to hang with her.

    She suggested we order a bottle of Johnny for 1800 baht. We ordered and I then thought I am being taken for a ride in regards to buying drinks all night but she then handed me 800 baht which I thought was a nice gesture on her part.

    She is nice to talk to but I got the impressions she just was isn't into me.

    Fair enough as this was not a working lb so I said to her I am leaving as I was pissed and said if you like sms me tomorrow in you want to hook up.

    The very next night I get an sms whilst at JSB and it was Nancy asking me to meet her at Addy bar.

    It was her last night in Pattaya so I then went with Monkey man and Socrates to meet nancy.

    Once again, we meet and after half an hour Socrates and Monkeyman left. Nancy was there with the same friends. It was like Happy days with pinky tuscadero and the pinkettes.

    She then suggested the same gay night club and I thought I gotta to this one for the boys. I jump on the bike with nancy and go to the club. I was there for one hour and when two thai guys on stage started lathering each other with soap I thought stuff this I am off like a brides nightie. I told Nancy I have to go and she came outside.

    I said basically that I was tired and not really into the club and that she should stay with her friends as she had been away from Thailand for a long time. I wished her well and was hoping as we parted she would follow me.

    Alas it was not to be but I was glad I finally met one of my fantasies.

    She is quite nice to talk and I enjoyed my time with her except for when the soap was handed out the the club and the thai guys were going off.

    Still yet to meet fantasy lb no: 2 as yet?




    • #17
      thais rak thai. why didnt you just ask her to go for a short time???
      just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


      • #18
        LuckyA, thanks for sharing. donnny put it blunt but true, did you ask her since she did sms you back?
        I´ll confess (c´mon brocklanders you too), its not so much her looks but her footlong i wanna meet.
        Is she out of the p4p biz like reported, LuckyA?
        Were those clubs in boystown/siam area? I was there once with a lb, she enoyed it , i did not.



        • #19
          I think donnny may have it right - Nancy has been working in Australia and no doubt has money saved up. While she is in Thailand she is on "holidays" and doesn't have to work. She likely wants to spend time with her friends and family. If she does do any p4p it likely will be a high rate to discourage punters unless they are really serious, as she doesn't need the $$$ at this time.

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          • #20
            She´s been working in Aus?? And i thought she was with a
            buttafly, can you explain this, i can´t get this together?


            • #21
              Rick it is not terribly complicated and as you may not have understood, bf = sponsor = $$$$. This has been mentioned in past, present and no doubt future posts on the forum. So being a girlfriend doesn't mean she is staying with her bf in Australia for no money.

              As TTChang recently told you - stop fantasizing about Nancy, Fai, Mint, Beam etc, etc. and trying to get all the news about particular lbs and get yourself to LOS! You will meet lbs not on this site that are at least as good or better than the list you have made!

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              • #22

                I thought Nancy was back for a holiday and was not working as a freelancer.

                I was just naive to think I was going to get a freebie when I should have have just asked her if she was available and negotiated a price if she was.

                Nothing ventured nothing gained.



