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Benz, Helen, Kat

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  • Benz, Helen, Kat

    Does anyone have the contact info for Benz (the gorgeous Superstar), Kat from this site, and Helen the largely endowed looker from another site, i have a pic if noone knows who i mean, but i don't wanna get in trouble for posting pics from a rival site.

    many thanks


  • #2
    Post the pics! We let the rules slide for contact reasons!


    • #3
      Hello Haze,

      If the only picture you can find is from another site it's OK to post one picture here.
      You must leave the logo on the picture - do not crop or delete it.

      It will be left up for a few days to see if you get a response and then it will be deleted.

      Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

      "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


      • #4
        Helen works in cascades. The LB with the braces +
        high cheek bones with the most perfect body.


        • #5
          (Tomcat @ Jul. 24 2007,20:09) Helen works in cascades. The LB with the braces +
          high cheek bones with the most perfect body.
          I believe he means the Helen who models only for lb69, and does not work in any bar
          Mister Arse


          • #6
            Yes Stewart, thats the Helen i like!

            Anyone have any mobile no.s for her, Kat or Benz?

            I know making a 'to do' list is often a bit of a waste of time because usually you end up doing other things, but I'm a firm believer that the planning of a trip is half the fun, even if it doesn't always end up how you planned it.
            That said I've been planning this visit to LOS for 4 months now, and i will try my damndest to get at least 2 or 3 of the lovelies on my long list ticked off before i go back to the horrible rainy UK.

            Thanks again guys



            • #7
              Yes Stewart, thats the Helen i like!
              She moved from Bangkok back to her home town about 6 months ago and got a normal job

              Her e-mail is [email protected]

              I don't know if she travels to see customers, but she did not seem too keen on 'the business' last time I spoke to her
              Mister Arse


              • #8
                maybe a moot point but if you dont want to spend the $30 or whatever it is a month for the site in question (where you then get all the contact info) - why are you even looking at these girls - they are not exactly Nana car park after closing material and will price their time accordingly.



                • #9
                  Spot on Mardhi.


                  • #10
                    Simple answer to that, Credit Card Issues.
                    I'm currently living in Indonesia, my old visa card has expired, and in September i will be repatriating to the UK (via LOS of course).
                    Once home i can pick my fresh credit card and sign up for that site and re-sign up for this one, but by then it'll be a minimum 6-8 months before i can get back out to SE Asia for a lovely jaunt with the LB's.
                    Kind of a catch 22 if you see what i mean, nothing to do with being a cheap Charlie, cash money isn't a problem, and if i remember correctly from the numerous trips to LOS before thats what the girls prefer, whether they are superstars or floating round the nana car park come closing time.

                    Have a nice day.

