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Amy from Pattaya

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  • Amy from Pattaya


    there have been previously some treads regarding Amy from pattaya... I can not find them any more... could someone help me find them. Especially the one regarding the movie she played

    thanks in advance

  • #2
    Try search Emma


    • #3
      Rick has it right, it generates 5 pages of results!

      The one that talks about the DVD she is in is here:

      Ladyboy DVDs

      This is if we're talking about this Emma/Amy/Boy/Elizabeth

      Photo courtesy of D33 from his post
      Pics of Emma/Amy I took this morning

      Hope this helps!

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      • #4
        Cheers to all guys... very helpful


        • #5
          She sure got some aliases , I met her on walking street about a year an a half ago , she was Elizabeth that night , it was only recently when looking at some old photos I realised it was the same person Emma/Amy , very sweet but in the space of half an hour she had lived in France and Sweden , and been a catwalk model ( despite her obvious height dissadvantage !!!) I just played along with it and told her I used to be a professional footballer ... what a match
          Free your mind and your ass will follow .


          • #6
            Last time I saw her (April/May 2007) she worked in Malibu-Cabaret on 2nd Rd. as a dancer.


            • #7

              I am very impressed with her. I met her in Pattaya close to New Years eve time. She was dressed as an angel-very beautiful and sexy. She negotiate with me for 2000 bahts and a bar fine of 500. She took me for a drink to her club (coyote) on the back of the walking street and then from there with a motorbike taxi to my hotel.

              We played for 2 hours and then she left with the promise that if I picked her up at 5 o'clock where she works from she would come to sleep with me... I then went out all night for dirnks (was gonna do so anyway) and ont he way back I picked her up for a second unpaid round. She slept with me and early in the morning shagged me again... It was so funny to see her jumping on my dick... (I wondered how deep she could be inside her )

              Anyway a positive overall experience... not a superstar but a good shag.


