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  • Angie---Obsessions

    Is Angie still workoing in Obsessions? I will be in bkk next week for the first time in a year. I was with Angie one time last year, and it was great....however she keeps texting me every week, saying how much she misses me!!. I`m really concerned she will be `clingy` if I see her again.....any experiences or advice please . I want to see her again, but don`t want any hassle!!!

  • #2
    She will try to milk you for every dollar that you have. She is good in the sack but then she bats those eyelashes and rolls her eyes and you just melt and empty your pockets!! Be strong with her and don't give in...she is a top pro from Nana Plaza. She usually says "Why you call me?


    • #3
      (aperry @ Jun. 29 2007,02:46) She will try to milk you for every dollar that you have.  She is good in the sack but then she bats those eyelashes and rolls her eyes and you just melt and empty your pockets!!   Be strong with her and don't give in...she is a top pro from Nana Plaza.  She usually says "Why you call me?

      so true so true.
      i've never been so mesmerized in my life as when she kneeled over me, leaned in close and looked deep into my eyes.
      i'm glad my credit card was locked in the safe or i might have given away the farm.

      thankfully i sobered up before i saw her again and began to be more impressed with how amazingly and thoroughly clingy such a well-loved beauty could be. i literally couldn't find a seat in obsession before she was seated next to me, eyes batting and hand searching.

      if you've got *strong* willpower i highly recommend one date with her. world-class without a doubt. but best make it the night before you're leaving town.

      just in case.


      • #4
        thanks, guys. It was actally my last night last year when I went with her and I had to leave for my looks like a lucky escape. Since then she texts me about 2 or 3 times a week...I feel like she must think of me as the one that got away! She texted again today and wanted me to phomne her.....guess i`ll lie low and hope she doesn`t recognise me in Obsessions next week!!!


        • #5
          She sounds like a dish !!!

          Rather than asking for her by name, what is her badge number at Obessions. It seems to me to be easier to try to remember a few digits than all those bewildering names



          • #6
            (roderick17 @ Jun. 29 2007,21:21) She sounds like a dish !!!

            Rather than asking for her by name, what is her badge number at Obessions. It seems to me to be easier to try to remember a few digits than all those bewildering names

            no need to remember anything except 'obsession'.
            when you walk in the door the dishes will speak for themselves. and if #5 is there, she'll hold her own, no doubt.
            no doubt.
            though from what i hear there are a few "new" girls who border on the impossible.
            so just enjoy.


            • #7
              (ayrfan @ Jun. 29 2007,21:44) guess i`ll lie low and hope she doesn`t recognise me in Obsessions next week!!!
              She will know you are there the minute youshow your face in Nana.

              There is no good hiding place...

              seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


              • #8
                She is definitely still working Obsessions as I stayed with her a few days about 2 weeks ago. Very nice girl although a little insecure about her stunning looks.

                I believe she might be working less these days as she only goes in when necessary i.e short of baht


                • #9
                  (ozzie @ Jun. 30 2007,21:44) She is definitely still working Obsessions as I stayed with her a few days about 2 weeks ago. Very nice girl although a little insecure about her stunning looks.

                  I believe she might be working less these days as she only goes in when necessary i.e short of baht

                  She is a primary target of mine while I am over here. I know there's a multitude of new young girls out there but I really want to check her out.
                  But is she as clingy as everyone says? I'd hate to bump into her in a shopping mall with the missus going by the reports I've read so far....


                  • #10
                    I personally witnessed Angie staring deeply and meaningfully into Ozzies eyes whilst she was melting his heart.....couldnt believe her beauty, she looked like a fookin supermodel.


                    • #11
                      I have known Angie for 2 years and have spent time with her, yes, she is a beauty but be careful, she had a ability to hide a nasty habit from me and when i found out it confirmed her behavior with me over the last six months, she can be a handful when she loses the plot, just ask the security at the Marriot hotel, my advise is take her for one night and get your moneys worth, she is only interested in your money and nothing else, use her then chuck her back. sorry do i sound bitter!


                      • #12
                        Someone can offer us her mobile number???


                        • #13
                          (darkestdesire @ Jul. 02 2007,17:58) Someone can offer us her mobile number???
                          Why? If you want her just wonder into Obsessions. If she is not working that day I am sure one of the girls or mamasan can call her for you.


                          • #14
                              14 Posts and Not One Picture  
                            You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                            • #15
                              (SamplerDoc @ Jul. 02 2007,18:22)   14 Posts and Not One Picture  
                              Just for you ...
                              Attached Files

