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Benz Obsessions

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  • #16
    Ok i have her e mail addy now,so please forget i ever asked,and thanks buttafly for trying to help.
    Benz is a friend of mine,who i have known for a few years,i realise what your saying Stogie,but this time you got it wrong


    • #17
      Thankyou for the Apologie Stogie,it accepted and hope i get to buy you a drink sometime


      • #18
        benz and may live or lived on the same floor at miami apartments for years, been there many times

         they are good friends, I know Benz since before she had tits, may also for that matter
        Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
        -Dennis Miller


        • #19
          Yes i know where Benz lives, many ladyboys live in the same place.
          May is living in Phuket,but that was 2 weeks ago so knowing what most ladyboys are like she could be anywhere now.


          • #20
            (Phantom @ Jun. 24 2007,01:17) Yes i know where Benz lives, many ladyboys live in the same place.
            May is living in Phuket,but that was 2 weeks ago so knowing what most ladyboys are like she could be anywhere now.
            OK but if you know her so well how could you mistake her for number 47 at Obsessions?


            • #21
     to get this straight.....Benz #47 from Obsessions is not the Jan 06 Benz...two different girls.............and what I think Ozzie is saying......if you know her so would not have made the blunder as noted in post number 1........#47 is same as Jan 06 girl..... I want Ozzie to be my private investigator when I start sponsoring a girl and keeping her in a well appointed apartment, he has a nose for the fine details. ..I suppose he'll want a red Ferrari like Magnum too...
    ,  you're really a guy?..............  


              • #22
                I want Ozzie to be my private investigator when I start sponsoring a girl and keeping her in a well appointed apartment...
                Better stiill he has my permission to shoot me in the head!


                • #23
                  Damn, I'm confused...Does this guy know what Benz he is looking for???

                  Maybe it's Mercedes....
                  "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                  • #24
                    (stogie bear @ Jun. 24 2007,10:55)
                    I want Ozzie to be my private investigator when I start sponsoring a girl and keeping her in a well appointed apartment...
                    Better stiill he has my permission to shoot me in the head!
                    Is this thread now sponsored by Ozzie Private Dick service?   I can recommend, as he shot me in the head when I was only considering sponsorship  

                    Perhaps I need a night with #47 at Obs to sort me out?


                    • #25
                      And how many times have I told you that the lovely Ms Benz #47 would put you right...
                      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                      • #26
                        (stogie bear @ Jun. 23 2007,16:55) Better stiill he has my permission to shoot me in the head!
                        ... that made my day....
              ,  you're really a guy?..............  


                        • #27
                          Kahuna has the right Benz,she was not featured in Jan 06,but has been featured on this site,,,,,,she is no47 at obs


                          • #28
                            Definitely in my top 3 best lookers from my 2 week trip Benz is soooooo pretty.


                            • #29
                              (Phantom @ Jun. 24 2007,18:01) Kahuna has the right Benz,she was not featured in Jan 06,but has been featured on this site,,,,,,she is no47 at obs
                              The pic I posted is Benz #47 from Obs...she was featured in a photo spread here in August 2005...

                              I've been with her a number of times...she is a very sexy girl...
                              Attached Files
                              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                              • #30
                                (kahuna @ Jun. 24 2007,14:14) And how many times have I told you that the lovely Ms Benz #47 would put you right...
                                OK, the Kahuna counselling service strikes again!   Are you her pimp, by the way?

                                For reasons that will only be exposed in my Trip Report, you offered me one from your stable (harem) ....  maybe this one?!

