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May Obsession

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  • May Obsession

    Any chanche to get May Obsession email address?

    Help appreciated

  • #2
    Hello Cafada1,

    Welcome to the forum  

    I don't know if you have made it to BKK yet   If you have not and are trying to get her address to set up a meet before going out there I would say don't bother.
    She probably gets loads of e-mails from 'hopefuls' who will never get themselves out there. You would be better to get her phone number and call her when you are there.

    If you had her address from meeting her before and have lost it  -  I'm sorry I can't help but I would guess that someone has it.

    Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

    "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


    • #3
      Got your pont! but I'm in BKK 5-6 times x year for my job.

      Unfortunately only 3-4 days everytimes, so I ty to "maximize my time"

      Thanks anyway


      • #4

        I have sent you a PM.



        • #5
          Could someone post or IM me her telephone number? Thanks in advance!


          • #6
            Is May still working in Obsession ?
            If so whats her number ?


            • #7
              (nam @ Jun. 09 2007,15:47) Is May still working in Obsession ?
              If so whats her number ?
              May is number 11 if it is the May I am thinking of.


              • #8
                these poor girls get bombarded by guys trying to "schedule" time prior to arriving in town......May is the last person that needs to book in advance. Her dance card is always busy...........
      ,  you're really a guy?..............  


                • #9
                     I'd go one step further.......  these girls get guys trying to schedule their time who are never ever going to make it to Thailand    

                  Go figure!

                  Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                  "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                  • #10
                    I agree again RR,There is nothing that pisses me off more than hearing the stories from girls of the amount of e mails they get from guys who are trying to befriend them with false tales of planned upcomming trips to Thailand,dont get me wrong,im sure the guy who started the topic has every intention of meeting may.But please guys untill you have your trip booked and dates confirmed dont make false promises to the girls,it fucks it up on guys like me who does e mail and stay in touch with a few girls.It leads the girls to believe that lots of guys are just bullshitting them which in many cases in the truth. Also for this reason i dont think it is a good reason to post phone numbers on the forum,if you want to pass on a number PM it to the member who sought it in the first place as io will do now to the guy who requested it. Have a bit of respect for these girls,you will realise why i say this for anyone who has not yet samples the delights of Thailand.


                    • #11
                      (gerry06 @ Jun. 14 2007,09:17) [["I agree again RR,There is nothing that pisses me off more than hearing the stories from girls of the amount of e mails they get from guys who are trying to befriend them with false tales of planned upcomming trips to Thailand,dont get me wrong,im sure the guy who started the topic has every intention of meeting may.But please guys untill you have your trip booked and dates confirmed dont make false promises to the girls,it fucks it up on guys like me who does e mail and stay in touch with a few girls.It leads the girls to believe that lots of guys are just bullshitting them which in many cases in the truth. Also for this reason i dont think it is a good reason to post phone numbers on the forum,if you want to pass on a number PM it to the member who sought it in the first place as io will do now to the guy who requested it. Have a bit of respect for these girls,you will realise why i say this for anyone who has not yet samples the delights of Thailand."]]
                      Telling them what bar to go to is adequate IMO. If they're really going to the LOS, they can work out the details. Yes, an "appointment" would be nice, but people are notorious BS-ers and ther is no need to make the girls more jaded than they already have reason to be.

                      Thailand Joe


                      • #12
                        (Lance.R.Brand @ May 16 2007,04:20)

                        I have sent you a PM.

                        Lance, I want to sleep with your icon, lol.

                        Who is that BTW?

                        Thailand Joe


                        • #13
                          If you wanna hook up with May just go into Obs at 7 sharp... she always seems to be there but tends to get snatched up after a while. She might charge more if you contact her in advance, as many of the lbs do.


                          • #14
                            SORRY!! I don't know what the hell is happening... something to do with the proxy website I'm using...


                            • #15
                              (surropan @ Jul. 28 2007,16:01) If you wanna hook up with May just go into Obs at 7 sharp... she always seems to be there but tends to get snatched up after a while.  She might charge more if you contact her in advance, as many of the lbs do.
                              7pm Sharp you say.......

                              Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !

