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  • Jenie

    any one know what happend to jenie from obsessions big girl always has a hard on

  • #2
    Do you have a pic? We don't have a 'Jenie' on this site... unless you mean Jinney, Janny or Jenny... or Jane or Jean or Jenn and we even jave a Jina somewhere...


    • #3
      I know who you are refering to, and she does spell her name as you posted, JENIE.

      I guess solid, or thick set would be the best way to describe her.

      Not sure if she is still on the scene, although I didn't see her in the bar whilst in Bangkok the other week.

      Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


      • #4
        her real name is correct Jenie and she worked in Obsession for long time. I am now again in email contact with her. For some time she worked in a shop and sold cloth. In between she went to Isaan to the Family but is now back to BKK. She does not want to work in a Bar again. So I believe she writes to old customers like me and hopes to get the money like this. I hope to see her in July. If you need the mobile number send me a pm.


        • #5
          I gave some of you her phone number and email addrees. Can I have some reply what she answer? She write an email to me every week


          • #6
            WHEN i contact her she ask me to call her when i am in bkk.i have been with her only once back in 2001 while she wa working at obsessions, and i can tell u that
            she was a very horny ladyboy.....or a fantastic actress with a very biggg tool.


            • #7
              Any pics?


              • #8
                She had a wax this afternoon and is, i believe going to Bali for a holiday for a couple of weeks.
                Now how is that for up to date info!
                When she walks, she’s like a samba
                That swings so cool and sways so gentle


                • #9
                  I'm VERY impressed!

