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  • #31
    I'm with Donnnnnny on Marsha. She is often between Soi 13 & 15 around Thermae. If one takes the normal room precautions she is fine. NICE set of tits as well. Personally never had any problems with her. If someone fucks with her she'll definitely fuck with them.


    • #32
      I was introduced to Marsha one night in Cascade Bar by my "sweetie." Marsha was one of her friends who looked after her and would not other LB's fuck with her. I had seen her before at Casanova Bar and was just plain scared to have anything to do with her based on first impressions. Marsha sat with us for a while and she was very pleasant, I was surprised and my opinion of her changed after that. She can still scare with that "look" she has created for herself.


      • #33
        I first met Marsha in 04 at Cascades. It was late and I was smashed. Being that way may have attracted me to her really statuesque looks, not sure. BF her and went back to the Landmark where I was staying. Nice Fuck and very obliging, was rock hard for the time she was with me. Also believe it or not she loved to be totally dominated in the sack, loved being slapped and went crazy when I really slapped and got agressive with her tits. She left and I figured up to that point it was a great experience and it was. However, the next few days was a nightmare. Everytime the phone rang in my room it was her, she would not leave me alone. Was an absolute turn off, given the great time I had with her a few nights before. In the end I had to have the Hotel screen all my calls. Never went back to Cascades either as a result of her. Pity there was a few others there on that trip I wanted.


        • #34
          How tall is she?


          • #35
            Approx 180 cm


            • #36
              Thanks. My height then. Thats ok , i guess.


              • #37
                I have had some contact with her over the years, always out of Casanova. She is just an actress who goes all out with the dommie routine. She is actually friendly, moody, and rather unexceptional except in the bar when she is performing. I was invited to her place to take photos, before(make up) and after pictures, but was warned by some of the Casanova mafia that her place was really dirty and stinky because she never washed dishes and never picked up a single item she tossed on the floor. So I never followed up.


                • #38
                  Several years ago, a casanova bar ladyboy warned me, that Marsha's body is also rather dirty and that Marsha doesn't shower very often???


                  • #39
                    There are far too many third party Marsha "rumours".


                    • #40
                      (ptrrobsn @ Feb. 14 2007,15:49) However, the next few days was a nightmare. Everytime the phone rang in my room it was her, she would not leave me alone. Was an absolute turn off, given the great time I had with her a few nights before. In the end I had to have the Hotel screen all my calls.
                      Similar thing happened to me with Mad Marsha... Went fucking crazy on the phone for weeks... A real nut job.


                      • #41
                        (olekunde @ Feb. 02 2007,05:53) .. bu she is a psycho bitch.

                        But she is PASSIONATE, have to give her credit for that


                        • #42
                          OOOOOH I sayyy

                          Looks like shes from the Munsters that should give you a clue to the personality

                          Another Nana Nutter then to avoid put her on the list chaps!!!!!!


                          • #43
                            there are lots of things said about lots of lb's, true!?, and it is always the ones that get the most attention that cop the most flack!,
                            has anyone seen her around reciently?


                            • #44
                              Sounds like a loaded question from a sponsor to me?

                              But in answer to the Question - no I have not seen her for ages, but then again last time I saw her was at opening party for Guess Bar.



                              • #45
                                (whitestalion @ May 01 2007,23:31) there are lots of things said about lots of lb's, true!?, and it is always the ones that get the most attention that cop the most flack!,
                                has anyone seen her around reciently?
                                What about the old proverb "Where there's smoke there's fire"?

                                I don't profess to know Marsha very well, but surely there must be some truth in all the comments continually being levelled ?

                                Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !

