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older ladyboy

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  • older ladyboy

    who can help me to find a ladyboy who is 35 years old
    my dream is to live with a lovely ladyboy

  • #2
    Go to and sign up. When you have done this you can do a search for an LB that will fit your criteria.


    • #3
      Sorry, can't help. I know one 34 and 36, but not 35.


      • #4
        I also know one who is tall, very beautiful, has her own business but is a Postie. She is 32. Too young???


        • #5
          try go to


          • #6
            Are you looking for someone specific? Does she have to be 35? If not why not say 30+? Or maybe a range, 30-39?

            Were you interested in a pre-op or post-op? Or does it matter?
            It's been a rough day. I got up this morning ... put a shirt on and a button fell off. I picked up my briefcase, and the handle came off. I'm afraid to go to the bathroom.


            • #7
              Greetings All

              I wonder how well ladyboys really do age as they get older. After all, biologically they carry male rather than female genes - or should that be jeans !!!

              I once saw some pictures of older ladyboys, who were facing many problems. In one case, silicon which had long before been injected into her face had sagged - her facial profile now looked grotesque. It was sad, the surgery which at one time had transformed her into a stunning beauty now had the opposite effect.

              Please dont get me wrong, I think that young ladyboys are generally absolutely stunning. But I also think they have a fairly limited use-by date before nature takes its eventual course. I guess the moral of all this is that ladyboys - and we - should enjoy today and not think too much about the future !!!


              • #8
                Wise words... I was caught up in a discussion about the age of ladyboys a few days ago...

                If the lb takes drugs and has surgery etc then her shelf life is reduced considerably, but by far the biggest factor is the strength of character that the lb has...

                I've seen several girls that, two years ago, were great to look at (Vicky, Noon, Chompoo, Lyla, and a bunch of others too) but they are in a terrible mess now.

                But I've also seen the drug free, smoke free ("it's just a job") type of girls to and they seem to never change year in, year out.

                In my own world LBs are unfuckable after the age of 20 and grotesque by 23.

                And before you wade in with "But what about '*****', she's 28 and looks great!!!" Well - ask yourself (or her) how long she's actually been hooking.

                Vee is in her late 20s and looks fantastic, but she's still new to the game. She'll be done in 2 years, tops.


                • #9
                  Have a look at, and use the search filters. Some nice looking girls, but as ever, beware of scammers.


                  • #10
                    Ah! If you like Malaysian ladyboys then you could try this one : TS Petite
                    Speaks good English, she's just turned 35 (don't believe the age on the web site) and I suspect is available. Her contacts are on the web site. Traveling around a bit right now.
                    Sorry, the one in my avatar is 34 and isn't available.


                    • #11
                      She's in pretty good shape and quite do-able! But still looks too much like someones mum!

                      (I don't think her online rates are her actual rates...)
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        I have met her, its the rates she asks, and gets. She travels almost all year and makes serious £££.

               los babes there too


                        • #13
                          (stogie bear @ Apr. 16 2007,22:19) In my own world LBs are unfuckable after the age of 20 and grotesque by 23.
                          Life is good in Stogieland!

                          It's like a relay race with the 19 year olds handing off their batons.


                          • #14
                            I went with this girl about 2 years ago in southampton England.. she was advertising on a national Hooking site 'Adultworks', and had hired a hotel room for a few days... charged £150 for the hour then..... Far to much I know but i was having LOS with drawls.


                            • #15
                              (stogie bear @ Apr. 17 2007,13:19) I've seen several girls that, two years ago, were great to look at (Vicky, Noon, Chompoo, Lyla, and a bunch of others too) but they are in a terrible mess now.
                              Chompoo.......................terrible mess? Really?

