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  • LIN

    OK, here we go

    Anyone know the whereabouts of Lin with the crooked teeth in Pattaya
    Heard she was in Hi-Boss but I suppose things could have changed since the troubles there
    I gotta thing about her looks and body

    Attached Files
    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl

  • #2 boy....we have become good pals lately since I have been taking my medication and calmed down a bit so please listen to the buttafly man; if you search the "new sites" that are out there you will see this girl taking it in the pooper from the hairy guy..... if still interested I will try and find where this kid works for you, I know the guy who took these pics.

    I had a thing for her also, UNTIL I saw those; for some reason I lost my appetite for Lin after that
    Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
    -Dennis Miller


    • #3
      It's funny after all the guy's these
      lady's have fucked, that one guy
      could turn people off these girl's!
      But I can see where your coming from
      I think I would lose interest too
      after seeing that hairy fucker
      with these girl's!
      If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


      • #4
        well, that's the thing Gizmo..... as mentioned on another board I read sometimes, we all KNOW that these kids are screwing 30-40 guys per month, it's their job after all!  Some even more, some less.... but bottom line is that most of them get around; a LOT.

        with that said, I can't see that!  even if I see Lin walking out of her bar with a punter, that's fine; they are going to their room and I can't see that part; on the other hand, seeing her on the web taking it up the arse and I lose all interest; I know, it's weird and I don't want to pick on just that hairy dude, there is another website now where all the girls are getting reamed by some other guy and it's just the same; turns my stomach for some reason.  I even go so far that if I even HEAR about someone I like getting reamed by someone I know, she is scratched off the list; kinda like I get this mental image of them already being there that I just can't get out of my head.

         It's odd for sure but from what I read on the other board I am not the only one..... and hell, with all the new girls coming in to BKK on a regular basis we can always find some new, cute ones who haven't been on the 'net yet or who our friends haven't screwed already and told us all about it, therefore turning us off.

         Moo and Tee Tee come directly to mind, Ice in Pattaya and Emma that annoying little midget also..... seeing them on the 'net recently is almost enough to make me barf and certainly enough to make me choose other partners.
        Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
        -Dennis Miller


        • #5
          very true , we all know they go with anybody for money but 2 see a ling yai wearing a wig fucking a girl on video is very off putting , this happened 2 me recently 2 girls ive been with many times in pattaya have mad videos with the hirstute one ,kinda spoils your wank for the evening
          puts u right off
          Free your mind and your ass will follow .


          • #6

            and by the way, I have NEVER joined another website and never will {I only support this one!}, all the shit I see is just from previews or picture's passed around the 'net or sent to my box; couldn't even imagine watching a whole video when 20 seconds makes me want to
            Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
            -Dennis Miller


            • #7
              (buttafly @ Apr. 06 2007,18:35) boy....we have become good pals lately since I have been taking my medication and calmed down a bit so please listen to the buttafly man; if you search the "new sites" that are out there you will see this girl taking it in the pooper  from the hairy guy..... if still interested I will try and find where this kid works for you, I know the guy who took these pics.

              I had a thing for her also, UNTIL I saw those; for some reason I lost my appetite for Lin after that  
              Sorry for saying this buttafly

              But I have seen the video of the "hairy guy" with Lin and he was not afraid to "suck" her cock and "take" her cum in his mouth,
              fair play to him, thats what actually makes me want her more  
              I have also seen her in a video with another ladyboy from Hi-Boss

              I dont think the Irish hairy guy is as bad as he's painted and the dialogue and scripts in some of his video's I find hilarious  

              So yes, I would appreciate her whereabouts of LIN if you can find out for me buttafly PLEASE

              Many Thanks,

              Your got yer Mother in a whirl
              Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


              • #8
                On it, Dave....sending a mail now

                just how long can gulliver be seen on the web though? that guy is more exposed than Paris Hilton right now and in a city that's not too big and where shooting porno movies is really a bad idea.... seems like just a matter of time before he is the topic of the thread masahiko started today.
                Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                -Dennis Miller


                • #9
                  Too many pubes...


                  • #10
                    Thanx for the pm buttafly
                    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                    • #11
                      (stogie bear @ Apr. 07 2007,06:13) Too many pubes...
                      I like a nice "beaver" on a girl
                      Attached Files
                      Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                      Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                      • #12
                        If successful in finding LIN, she could become one of my 2 day L/T's
                        Attached Files
                        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                        • #13

                          found 'er Dave!! check PM's

                          and you owe me a round at your pub if I ever make it over to ol' blighty!!

                          see ya
                          Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                          -Dennis Miller


                          • #14
                            No probs mate , You can ask Stogie about my beer
                            Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                            Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                            • #15
                              yeah, he tries to poison us all!!!

                              Lols Dave.
                              seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!

