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Jessica at Casanovas

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  • Jessica at Casanovas

    Hey, I will be returning to Bangkok/Nana Plaza this summer. Wondering if the bountifully endowed Jessica is still working at Casanovas. I know I am probably in the minority here, but love the amazons that work there.
    John Smith

  • #2
    Yes, she is.


    • #3
      (viking1960 @ Apr. 06 2007,12:05) but love the amazons that work there.
      you sure do!

      in heels she is about 3 inches taller than my 6 foot 1.
      Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
      -Dennis Miller


      • #4
        (viking1960 @ Apr. 06 2007,12:05) Hey, I will be returning to Bangkok/Nana Plaza this summer. Wondering if the bountifully endowed Jessica is still working at Casanovas. I know I am probably in the minority here, but love the amazons that work there.
        Hi Viking. you are not alone with your love of Amazons, they are my number one choice, can't wait to get to Casanova in May.

        If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


        • #5
          (BigTel @ Apr. 08 2007,04:51) you are not alone with your love of Amazons, they are my number one choice
          Me too


          • #6
            From march 14.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Great Photo Rick

              If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


              • #8
                See everyday her, we are living at same condominium With more than 10 other beauties...


                • #9
                  why do I get the feeling that place is in Pratunam??

                  maybe across from Panthip and near the BK on the corner??

                  been there many times, the place is crawling with LB's

                  weird..... there are places like that on soi 71 also... they are everywhere!!

                  Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                  -Dennis Miller


                  • #10
                    pratu, is that marissa in your avatar?
                    Where is she nowadays?

                    Thanks, BigTel, shes a true amazon and really nice person.

                    buttafly, i know of a supastar living close to Pantip, never been at her place but now i guess thats the same building.


                    • #11

                      I have a falng friend who lives in there.....says he see's LB's all the time and the 4 or 5 times I have been there I see one or 2 every time, mostly older LB's with some cash [at least more than the teenagers].
                      Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                      -Dennis Miller


                      • #12
                        If stay afternoon at Cafe de Tour, Petchburi Soi 15 you can see almost everyone nextdoor salon before they go work. Welcome.


                        • #13
                          (rick @ Apr. 08 2007,21:23) pratu, is that marissa in your avatar?
                          Where is she nowadays?

                          Thanks, BigTel, shes a true amazon and really nice person.

                          buttafly, i know of a supastar living close to Pantip, never been at her place but now i guess thats the same building.
                          Yes she is


                          • #14
                            (rick @ Apr. 08 2007,21:23) pratu, is that marissa in your avatar?
                            Where is she nowadays?

                            Thanks, BigTel, shes a true amazon and really nice person.

                            buttafly, i know of a supastar living close to Pantip, never been at her place but now i guess thats the same building.
                            She is not working anymore, maybe some special case


                            • #15
                              (pratu @ Apr. 08 2007,21:00) See everyday her, we are living at same condominium With more than 10 other beauties...
                              WOULD LOVE TO LIVE THERE!!!!!!!

