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S or carrottop Pattaya

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  • S or carrottop Pattaya


    In Pattaya and looking to hook up with the S or carrottop anyone have a current number/location another site posred a number but its wrong help would be appreciated as time is limited


  • #2
     You will find S playing pool in the bar next to Hi-Boss on soi 6 during the afternoon

    She works from there now and NOT Hi-boss, so you can leave your details with the cashier if shes not there

    S does not have a mobile phone, so its best to get yourself to the bar if you want to meet her, and what a great girl she is too

    BTW, can you tell her Dave said "hello" and I will see her in May  

    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


    • #3
      thanks dave will try


      • #4
        Its acyually Starlight at Soi 7.
        This a few hours ago.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          The Starlight is on Soi 6/1.


          • #6
            (JackG @ Mar. 29 2007,07:02) The Starlight is on Soi 6/1.
            I think Rick is still struggling with the Street numbering system in Pattaya !

            Rick & I had this same discussion the other day.

            Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


            • #7
              I spoke to S last night and can confirm rick's statement that she now works out of the Starlight

              She also confirmed that she is going to give me a good seeing too in 3 weeks

              Things you do for Queen and Country
              Your got yer Mother in a whirl
              Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


              • #8
                Lucky you!!
                If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


                • #9
                  Had an encounter with S the other day after originally meeting her at Starlight and then being stalked till I surrendered.

                  Have know her via Hi Boss for a couple of years, but had never taken her with me before.

                  Apart from her snoring, she was fun.

                  Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                  • #10
                    I was really shocked to see the owner of The Starlight has let ladyboys start working out of his bar. S is OK, but most of the others I've seen in there are rejects from the Hi Boss.


                    • #11
                      Rejects from the Hi Boss Bar, man oh man that IS the bottom of the barrel.


                      • #12
                        (PogueMahone @ Apr. 13 2007,10:02) Rejects from the Hi Boss Bar, man oh man that IS the bottom of the barrel.
                        yeah didn't know you could get any lower the Hi Boss!


                        • #13
                          (JackG @ Apr. 13 2007,02:03) I was really shocked to see the owner of The Starlight has let ladyboys start working out of his bar.  S is OK, but most of the others I've seen in there are rejects from the Hi Boss.
                          If you are talking about Starlight in Soi7 ..LBs been working in there for long time...
                          So many Ladyboys so little time..


                          • #14
                            (69billy @ Apr. 15 2007,01:06)
                            (JackG @ Apr. 13 2007,02:03) I was really shocked to see the owner of The Starlight has let ladyboys start working out of his bar.  S is OK, but most of the others I've seen in there are rejects from the Hi Boss.
                            If you are talking about Starlight in Soi7 ..LBs been working in there for long time...
                            The Starlight on Soi 6/1.  In the past you might see Noi or Aoy in there playing pool with a customer they brought with them, but that wasn't very often and they were they only ladyboys I had ever seen in there until this last January.  It use to be my favorite beer bar in Pattaya, but not after seeing Bom in there along with a few other Hi Boss rejects.


                            • #15
                              I stopped in Starlight about 11:30 AM recently. About 5 girls, in various states of disrepair, including Beam, were sleeping on the couches. Looked like they'd been there all night. Little by little, they woke up and seemed to go to some short time rooms in the building lot behind Starlight to take a sponge bath. A rather raggedy looking bunch

                              S eventually arrived and told me to wait while she put on her makeup. She eventually told me she had no phone and somewhat demanded that I BF her then and there. I told her I'd see her that night or the next day.

                              Mistake! She got a bit ornery and cranky, the "don't take me now, I never talk to you again" crap.Yes, promises, promises Saw her the next night late at the 131 party. She shot me a few daggers, but no histrionics
                              Anyway, this week, I was talking to a friend in PTY who went to visit her early in the day- jst a setup meeting, no BFing. Over the next couple of days, she sent him a series of increasingly nasty and threatening SMSs. He ignored her, hoping it would stop, which it hadn't by Sunday. Hopefully, her e-stalking will end soon.
                              "The Ladyboy Collection- start yours today!"

