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  • Nun

    hi all
    apprecaite if some one can give me NUN contacts.
    just love her looks.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    she is so hot
    she is in phuket i believe any1 been with her?
    lets see you in the chatroom


    • #3
      I may be mistaken but I believe the Buttafly man has met this doll and I remember he said she was a bit full of herself, but I may have that wrong so I'll wait for him to confirm/deny it!


      • #4
        no mistake, but that doesn't mean THIS guy won't have fun with her!

        same deal with Moo...... just because *I* had a bad time [really, no time] with her doesn't mean she isn't cool

        my Nun story......... Poo and her boss said this girl wanted to meet me, not sure why but she obviously heard the GOOD rumours about me in Pooket, the bad ones would make her want to stay as far away as possible of course

        so we set it up....she got off from the Simon and met me and Poo at a beer bar and we started chatting; amazing beauty for sure, one of a kind actually. White skin, perfect face, 1000% passable in every way, voice also and small and petite; as they say, "just my type".

        BUT..... once we started chatting I was turned off..... full of herself may be overstating it a bit, but she wasn't bubbly and perky and fun [the way I like 'em] and just kind of had one-word answers and not a lot of smiles and laughter, etc..... the buttafly man knows where another 100 ladyboys can be found in Patong so there's no way I am putting up with attitude or even silence and boredom from a potential date; I paid the bill and left her at that bar, kind of bewildered at what she had done wrong; it certainly wasn't her looks that turned me off, she was stunning in a black cocktail dress, perfect hair and hardly any make-up and still looked amazing.

        If memory serves right I was kinda tired that night and went home alone and slept for 10 hours; some forum role model, eh??

        as always, your actual results may vary...... I am not the most picky bloke in the world and have been with some skanks in years gone by, but same as always I need to feel at least a small bit of chemistry [or some good acting or both] before I can take someone back to mi casa.
        Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
        -Dennis Miller


        • #5
          She is at Simon Cabaret in Phuket.

          I've never met her, but she is #1 on my list for the next trip to Phuket
          "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


          • #6
            thanks buttafly i guess u had same experience with moo
            have u got contact phone or email maybe i should steer clear but u never know
            lets see you in the chatroom


            • #7
              check PM's
              Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
              -Dennis Miller

