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Finding Lichey

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  • Finding Lichey


    I need to get in touch with Lichey. I am sure this information has been posted before, but I can't find it.

    If anyone has contach info for Lichey (Cascades) I would really appreciate it.


  • #2
    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


    • #3
      [email protected]

      I hope you know what you're doing


      • #4
        (pentire @ Mar. 03 2007,18:02) [I hope you know what you're doing  


        • #5
          Why? she a nutter? Whats the scoop?
          seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


          • #6
            Yep....She is fucking nuts and definitely an acquired taste.


            • #7
              she could have a slight chemical imbalance set off by a derivative of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride

              Formula = C10H15N


              • #8
                (Bam @ Mar. 04 2007,21:05) she could have a slight chemical imbalance set off by a derivative of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride

                Formula = C10H15N
                Oh, sure Bam ... you must mean (IUPAC name) 4-(1-hydroxy-2-(methylamino)ethyl)benzene-1,2-diol ...

                .... in Lichy's case, it's prolly an excess of 17b-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one ...

                ... then again organic chemistry is not my strong point ... but Lichy's chemistry is definitely out of whack


                • #9

                  Thanks, for all the unsolicited retoric, but I just wanted contact info. Thank you Pentire for the e-mail address. I didn't ask about her chemical imbalance, I you guys should consider that when answering a question.


                  • #10

                    Don't take it personally - the guys are providing you with some information - whether or not you decide to accept it is up to you. Bam is suggesting that she is possibly using Ice, which can be synthesized from pseudoephedrine, hence the "chemical imbalance" some are referring to.

                    I do not know Lichey, but the guys offering their opinion are well experienced and knowledgeable about the scene. Disregard their comments at your own risk or at least keep it in mind when you finally meet her.

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                    • #11
                      Again, Thanks for the imput. I have known lichey for two years. So, yes I know what I am doing. Again One mans delight is another mans misery.

                      So again thanks for the info.


                      • #12
                        In that case good luck

                        Joking apart, I like Richy and she always greets me with a huge smile and a big kiss, although a year or so ago I did make the mistake of gaining too much of her affection and Cascade became a no go area for a few months


                        • #13
                          Well, Pentire, Lichey is simply a very good friend and we see each other whenever I am in BKK. We usually have a few drinks and go our separate ways, but a friend of mind this time spent some other valued time with her, He wanted to get in touch with her so I agreed to get her contact for him.

                          That is it. Thank you Pentire.

                          Have a nice day


                          • #14
                            probably the chemical imbalance is contagious
                            Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. -- Oscar Wilde


                            • #15
                              (pheagler @ Mar. 05 2007,03:39) Guys,

                                 Thanks, for all the unsolicited retoric, but I just wanted contact info.  Thank you Pentire for the e-mail address.  I didn't ask about her chemical imbalance, I you guys should consider that when answering a question.
                              and you sir want them to rise their hands before answering your question
                              Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. -- Oscar Wilde

